What Makes a Good Personal Injury Lawyer?

There is definitely no shortage of personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts. With so many attorneys to choose from, how are you supposed to find the right one? And moreover, what makes a good personal injury lawyer? Here are some considerations to consider when determining whether or not a personal injury lawyer is a good fit for you.

A good personal injury attorney always communicates with his or her clients. Communication in the context of the attorney-client relationship is paramount. Generally speaking, the number one complaint clients have with their attorneys is, failure to communicate. The best and most effective personal injury lawyers regularly communicate with their clients. What makes a good personal injury attorney is the one who informs the client as to case progress. If the attorney is not communicating with the client, the client can often feel neglected and unimportant. That can only cause problems between the attorney and the client. Therefore, regular and effective communication is definitely an attribute of a good personal injury lawyer.

What also makes for an effective personal injury lawyer is the one who genuinely cares about his or her clients. Some personal injury firms are mills in that they handle a large volume of cases with the goal of settling as many cases as possible and as quickly as possible. It is important to have an attorney who genuinely cares about your case.

If the attorney is trying to rush your case toward a settlement, there’s a high likelihood the attorney is not genuinely interested in your best interest. The most effective attorneys are generally the ones who care most about their clients’ cases. Therefore, what makes a good personal injury lawyer is the one who cares about fighting for the client and the client’s interests.

What also makes a good personal injury lawyer is the ability to litigate a client’s case to conclusion. Many attorneys are unwilling or lazy and don’t want to expend the necessary effort to litigate a client’s case in court. Many attorneys are, in fact, fearful of going to court and perhaps inexperienced in the necessary procedures involved in litigation.

What definitely makes a good personal injury lawyer is the one that does not back down from an insurance company and is willing to go the distance in order to try the case in front of a judge and jury. The attorney who is gun-shy about filing a case in court and trying a case in front of a judge and jury is an attorney that you want to definitely stay away from.

What also makes for a good personal injury lawyer are reviews. There’s no shortage of reviews for attorneys. There are many online sites which you can review an attorney’s reviews from past clients. Sites like Avvo and Google are great repositories with thousands and thousands of reviews that can be easily and quickly accessed by any potential client. Reviews can help a client determine whether or not an attorney is a good fit. Therefore, what typically makes for the best personal injury lawyer is the one who has the best reviews as well as the highest quantity of very good reviews.

In conclusion, there is really no specific formula for determining what makes for a good personal injury lawyer. However, the proceeding points can help one determine who the right lawyer is, as well as determine who the right lawyer is not for a client’s particular case. If you or anyone you know needs the assistance of a Boston personal injury attorney, I encourage you to contact today the Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers at 617-444-7777 to get started.

At Earley Law Group, we understand how overwhelming things can be after suffering an unexpected injury. You’re facing high medical bills that don’t stop pouring in. You’re feeling financial strain because your injury has forced you to miss work. Worst of all, your day-to-day pain and suffering weigh heavily on your mind every single minute. All because of someone else’s negligence.