If you have experienced a personal injury accident you may be thinking of getting legal help to pursue financial compensation. Many injury victims understandably are concerned about how much it will cost them to hire an injury lawyer in Massachusetts. Thankfully no costs are paid up front to a lawyer with these cases.
Additionally, even if the case does not result in any type of settlement, the victim does not owe the lawyer anything. This is called a contingency fee and means anyone, regardless of their finances, can hire an injury lawyer.
How Much Is The Contingency Fee Usually?
That answer really depends on the case involved. For example, car accident lawyers in Boston typically charge 33 1/3% as their contingency fee. If for example you got rear ended and the lawyer obtains for you a $10,000 settlement, then the lawyer’s fee is $3,333.33. This fee percentage is also quite common for cases involving dog bites and attacks.
For slip and fall cases, the percentage may sometimes be as high as 40%. That is because these cases can be extremely challenging, risky, and expensive to bring. For some lawyers that handle slip and fall cases, this higher percentage offsets the possibility of the case not resulting in a settlement.
Workers compensation case fees operate differently. While they are still considered contingent fees, they are set by statute. Attorney fees for lump sum settlements are capped at 20% if the insurance company agrees to pay for medical treatment received after the case settled. Attorney fees for cases settled without liability (the insurer does not agree to pay for future medical treatment) are capped at 15%.
For cases that have been denied, if the attorney successfully files a claim and the insurance company agrees to pay, or a judge makes the insurance company pay benefits to the injured worker, then the attorney fees are set forth by statute.
A Boston Injury Lawyer For You
Contact our office today if you need a Boston injury lawyer. We handle only injury cases which means we only charge contingency fees for all accident cases.