Massachusetts Car Insurance Benefits

MA car accident Lawyer

As a Boston car accident lawyer, I have handled many different car accident claims over the years. These accidents cause very serious injuries. It is important to know about your rights if you were injured in a car accident. While each case is different, the Massachusetts car accident insurance benefits you are entitled to always stays the same. Depending on the extent and amount of insurance purchased will impact the benefits you may collect. Here are some of the basic insurance benefits available if you were involved in a car accident:

Medical Bills

Your insurance company for the car you were in will pay your the “reasonable and necessary” medical bills you incur. If you have private health insurance, the car insurance company will pay the first $ 2000 in medical bills. Once $2000 in bills is paid, the rest of the bills will be paid by your health insurance company. If you do not have private health insurance, the car insurance company will pay up to $ 8,000 in medical bills.

Lost Wages

If you lost time from work you may collect 75% of your lost wages from the car insurance company. In order to do, your employer must confirm in writing that you missed time.  You also need a note from your doctor excusing you from work.

Pain and Suffering

If your medical bills are at least $ 2,000, then you may pursue a claim for pain and suffering against the car insurance company that insures the driver who caused the accident. These damages are not subject to state of federal taxes.

Underinsured And Uninsured Motorist Benefits

If there is no available insurance to pursue, you can turn to uninsured motorist benefits. And if there is not enough available insurance to pursue, then you can utilize underinsured motorist benefits. If there is a dispute regarding how much of these benefits you may collect, then arbitration is the appropriate dispute forum.

Boston Car Accident Lawyer Christopher Earley Can Help You

If you have questions about Massachusetts car insurance benefits and need a car accident lawyer, contact us today for your free, no-obligation consultation.

At Earley Law Group, we understand how overwhelming things can be after suffering an unexpected injury. You’re facing high medical bills that don’t stop pouring in. You’re feeling financial strain because your injury has forced you to miss work. Worst of all, your day-to-day pain and suffering weigh heavily on your mind every single minute. All because of someone else’s negligence.