What are traumatic brain injuries?

TBI’s are disruptions to the normal operations of the brain that can result from any blow, force, or impact to the head. They do not require significant trauma as even a seemingly minor, mild impact to the head can bring on a TBI.

If you suspect you may have sustained this type of injury, seek immediate medical attention. These injuries are only discovered and accurately diagnosed through specific neurological examinations, as well as through MRI testing.

Victims often don’t know what their rights are, or what they are entitled to. Getting legal help sooner rather than later is vital. Preserving necessary evidence and witnesses can make or break these types of cases.

The reason is because these claims unquestionably can be very complex. They involve not only specialized areas of law, but specialized areas of medicine as well.

They also frequently involve many different possible parties (defendants) that may potentially be held liable for your head injury.