Year: 2019

People after they have had a car crash wonder when to call a car accident attorney. It is important to explore what your legal options are, and a lawyer can help you do that. But not every wreck requires an attorney’s assistance. Here is when to call a car accident attorney. If you were not […]

We here at the Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers recently published a series of free books. They cover a variety of Massachusetts personal injury topics such as: Car Accidents Slips and Falls Workers’ Compensation Dog Bites The books are intended to help you make the best possible legal decisions for your injury case. Keep in mind that […]

Many people that have been injured due to negligence hire a personal injury lawyer to handle the case on their own. Almost all of these people at some point wonder why do personal injury cases take so long? That is a great question. Here are some common reasons as to why they take so long. First, […]

Winter is upon us in New England. That means black ice will cause many people to slip and fall. These accidents can cause very serious personal injuries such as broken bones, which may or may not require surgery to repair. If you experience one of these accidents, it is important to know what to do after you […]

From all of us at the Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers, we wish you and your loved ones a safe, happy, and prosperous holiday season. Be careful on the roads as the rate of car accidents increases greatly around the holidays. Specifically, there are many drinking and driving accidents so never drink and drive.

Many people mistakenly assume that a personal injury lawyer can help whenever someone is injured. In reality, lawyers who handle accident cases have to be very selective with the cases that accept. The reason for this is the attorney only gets paid if he is able to recover for you financial compensation for your injuries. If […]

The aftermath of an accident can be challenging. You may be racking up medical bills, lost wages, and other financial losses. Maybe you are receiving paperwork from an insurance company, and you don’t know what you are supposed to do. You don’t want to make any mistakes, but you have never been through this type […]

For many people that have been the innocent victims of a personal injury accident, they begin to think about hiring an attorney. Their friends or family may be telling them to “get a lawyer and sue.” But, many feel intimidated and nervous at the idea of meeting with a lawyer. Here is what you can […]

With any personal injury case in Massachusetts that goes into litigation, depositions are usually necessary. Basically, a deposition is a formal, recorded interview with the lawyer hired by the insurance company. Your Boston personal injury attorney can also take a deposition of anyone he chooses. If you have an upcoming deposition, regardless if your case involves a car […]

Following many car accidents the drivers involved try to point the finger at one another. They may claim the other driver failed to yield, failed to stop at a stop sign, or some other driver error occurred, such as driver distraction. They do this by telling the police officer that arrives on the scene that the other […]