Year: 2019

The aftermath of an accident can be a difficult and confusing time. Regardless of the type of accident you suffered, you may be wondering “When do you need an accident lawyer?” The answer really depends on a few different considerations. The first is whether or not you were actually injured. Suppose for example you were […]

pedestrians using crosswalk

The thought of getting hit by a car would make anyone grimace. But these unfortunate accidents are extremely common, especially in Boston given its narrow streets and high number of pedestrians. Here are some tips to keep in mind in case you ever are (or recently were) struck by a car as a pedestrian. Collect Information […]

Parking Lot

Parking lots can be deceivingly dangerous areas fraught with hazards. Populated by large numbers of vehicles and pedestrians, collisions are frequent in parking lots. There are multiple types of accidents that can occur in parking lots. Slip and fall accidents are very common in parking lots. Sometimes a property owner or snow removal contractor hired […]

angry dog illustrated transparent

Dog bite attacks can range from benign to catastrophic. Sometimes a dog bite can leave someone with very minor injuries. Sometimes the outcome is much different. A man in Florida last week was tragically killed when he was attacked by a pack of dogs. Regardless of the injuries suffered, many dog bite victims wonder “Can I […]

mbta train

The recent rash of MBTA train derailments has put the MBTA in the news recently. These accidents are common and generally cause various types of injuries to many innocent passengers. There can be a number of causes for these crashes including operator inattention or negligence, maintenance failure, equipment failure, etc. For those unlucky people that are injured in […]

Massachusetts workers compensation benefits for injured workers

No one really has to think too much about workers’ compensation benefits until a work injury actually occurs. At that point the injured worker will be forced to become familiar with what benefits he may collect, and how much those benefits will be, following a work accident. Here are some of these available benefits, as well as […]


Boston has been called America’s Most Walkable City.  It truly is a great city to enjoy on foot, with all the rich history and culture Boston has to offer. But pedestrians all too often are struck by negligently operated motor vehicles. These accidents can result in injuries ranging from minor cuts and bruises, to in some cases even death. It is […]

Injuries on the job can happen in a variety of ways. Sometimes these injuries can be caused by slipping and falling, picking up a heavy object off the floor, etc. One of the most common, and complicated, types of workers’ compensation claims is when an employee has a car accident while on the clock. If you have been injured […]

law books

Unless someone has been involved before with a car accident claim, they probably don’t know how long the case will take to conclude. New clients that call us frequently ask us “How long will it take to settle my case?” This is a good question. While each case is different, here are some general guidelines that can […]

Ways a workers' compensation lawyer can help you

Those who experience an injury at work are suddenly thrust into the world of workers’ compensation. Days lost from work and medical bills may start to be adding up. Insurance companies may be calling you, and possibly even sending you paperwork you may not understand. It may make sense to consider hiring legal representation. But many people wonder the ways […]