Category: Boston Personal Injury Attorney

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident you may be confused about what to do following the crash. You may be dealing with painful injuries, lost time from work, and mounting medical bills. Taking the appropriate next steps ensures you collect full compensation for the losses you sustained from the accident. Here is what to do […]

What Are Catastrophic Injuries? A catastrophic injury is a life- changing permanent injury that requires significant modifications of one’s daily activities. These injuries generate usually hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills, and extensive medical treatment. Sometimes multiple surgeries are needed. Almost always a long stay in a rehabilitation hospital is necessary. If the […]

What to do after a construction site accident

Many people earn a living working in the construction industry. Ironworkers, carpenters, and electricians are some of millions of people that work in construction. But all too often these workers are exposed to hazardous job conditions. When this happens personal injuries can result. Here is what to do following a construction accident: Report the accident. This […]

Filing a personal injury claim against Home Depot

Home Depot is an extremely popular and well-established company. It provides consumers a place to purchase a virtually limitless array of home goods and equipment. Unfortunately from time to time customers get injured while shopping at Home Depot. There are approximately 2,200 Home Depot locations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico1. These massive stores attract countless people […]

whiplash injury xray

After a motor vehicle accident, victims often endure various injuries, some apparent and others more hidden, such as soft tissue injuries. While these injuries may not always be visible, they can lead to severe and lasting pain. If you or a loved one has experienced soft tissue injuries due to someone else’s negligence, you may […]

If you slipped and fell on snow and ice you may be confused about what to do, and what your rights are. There are things you can do after a slip and fall to protect your rights. Slip and fall accidents can cause injuries ranging from strains and sprains, to dislocations and broken bones, to […]

Following a Massachusetts car accident many questions and concerns arise. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to hire a car accident lawyer. As a Boston automobile crash lawyer, I have helped many people through the years that have been injured. The insurance claims process can be confusing with many traps for the […]

Unfortunately slip and fall accidents occur all too frequently. As a Boston slip and fall attorneys, we receive calls everyday from people injured in these accidents. Here are things to do following a slip and fall accident. Some common slip and fall scenarios that seem to happen frequently are: Slips and Falls On Snow And Ice Not long […]

when should I get a workers' compensation attorney?

If you have been injured in a Massachusetts personal injury, workers’ compensation, slip and fall, or car crash accident, you don’t need any money to hire a lawyer. Boston personal injury and Boston workers compensation lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. That means the lawyer only gets paid if you get paid. Here is how it works: Boston Personal Injury […]

If you were involved in a car crash in Massachusetts, the insurance company that insures the car you were in at the time of the accident will pay for your no-fault benefits. Payment for medical bills and lost wages are the two no-fault benefits you are entitled to. No-fault benefits are called Personal Injury Protection benefits in […]