Category: Boston Personal Injury Lawyer

Questions to ask before hiring a personal injury lawyer

No one ever wants to be the victim of a personal injury accident. Whether it be a car accident, slip and fall, workers’ compensation accident, or dog bite, you want to make sure you hire the right Boston personal injury lawyer. If you are thinking of hiring representation for your case, here are some questions to ask the lawyer: […]

when should I get a workers' compensation attorney?

If you have been injured in a Massachusetts personal injury, workers’ compensation, slip and fall, or car crash accident, you don’t need any money to hire a lawyer. Boston personal injury and Boston workers compensation lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. That means the lawyer only gets paid if you get paid. Here is how it works: Boston Personal Injury […]

woman holding up hand to stop

Sexual harassment is workplace abuse. Too often, women and men are the victims of unwanted advances and a hostile behavior that is uncivilized and unlawful. If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual harassment, either by a co-worker(s), or supervisor(s), it is critical that you act QUICKLY as you have a very limited time […]

If you were involved in a car crash in Massachusetts, the insurance company that insures the car you were in at the time of the accident will pay for your no-fault benefits. Payment for medical bills and lost wages are the two no-fault benefits you are entitled to. No-fault benefits are called Personal Injury Protection benefits in […]

There are a number of factors that come into play when an attorney decides whether or not to take on a personal injury case for a client.  Here are some, but not all, of those factors: Has the Statute of Limitations run (it is different for different types of cases)? Was the client injured? Did […]

With all of the recent snowfall we have had here in Massachusetts the past few weeks, conditions outside have been extremely dangerous. With such an inclement weather brings a marked rise in slip and fall and trip and fall accidents. Such accidents often cause very serious injuries. If you, a loved one, or a friend, has experienced […]

Although no two insurance companies have the same approach, there are some common elements on how insurance companies value personal injury cases. Here are some, but not all of them: Is liability on the part of the insured person(s) or company clear, and if not, is there any liability at all? An example would be a […]

Massachusetts slips and falls in stores happen all the time. Many of my Massachusetts slip and fall clients have the misfortune of falling while shopping.  Whether it be at the local coffee shop, or while shopping for groceries, or shopping for clothes, people are injured much too often at stores. It is shocking how common these accidents occur. Oftentimes, […]

Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the attorney/client relationship can sometimes sour. At times, things get so bad that the client decides to fire the personal injury attorney and seen new counsel. This is relatively common and not at all unusual. What many personal injury clients do not know is that they are free to fire their attorney anytime, […]

This week I had a motor vehicle accident case scheduled to go to trial. Unfortunately, for the second time, the court either did not have enough judges and/or jurors so the trial has been delayed once again. The chances of the case proceeding to trial on its newly scheduled date are slim. Hence, do not be […]