Category: Boston Personal Injury Lawyer

Many people that have been negligently injured in an accident are confused. They understandably have many questions. One question they oftentimes have is will I have to go to court for a personal injury case? Almost no one wants to go to court, as it strikes fear into many people. But not every case has […]

There are many advantages to hiring a lawyer following an accident. But if you have never needed to hire legal representation before, you may not be real clear on what a lawyer will do for you. Here is what to expect from a personal injury lawyer in Boston, regardless if you are dealing with a […]

Many people that have been injured due to negligence hire a personal injury lawyer to handle the case on their own. Almost all of these people at some point wonder why do personal injury cases take so long? That is a great question. Here are some common reasons as to why they take so long. First, […]

Many people mistakenly assume that a personal injury lawyer can help whenever someone is injured. In reality, lawyers who handle accident cases have to be very selective with the cases that accept. The reason for this is the attorney only gets paid if he is able to recover for you financial compensation for your injuries. If […]

The aftermath of an accident can be challenging. You may be racking up medical bills, lost wages, and other financial losses. Maybe you are receiving paperwork from an insurance company, and you don’t know what you are supposed to do. You don’t want to make any mistakes, but you have never been through this type […]

For many people that have been the innocent victims of a personal injury accident, they begin to think about hiring an attorney. Their friends or family may be telling them to “get a lawyer and sue.” But, many feel intimidated and nervous at the idea of meeting with a lawyer. Here is what you can […]

Many people injured due to negligence have never before worked with a lawyer. Many are sometimes even intimidated at the idea of hiring a lawyer. Knowing how to work with a personal injury lawyer will ensure that you have a pleasant and productive relationship with your attorney. When you have a lawyer helping you with an […]

Accidents happen. They are just part of life. Sometimes these accidents produce personal injuries. When that happens, you need to know when you need a personal injury lawyer in order to recover compensation from an insurance company. If you had a car accident, as long as you were not at fault and you sustained injuries from […]

Nearly all Boston personal injury charge contingency fees. That means they only get paid if the case settles. Usually the fee charged is 33.3%. The attorney also will advance all case expenses. The Boston personal injury accident attorney will be reimbursed for these expenses when the case settles. This contingency fee system also applies to lawyers who handle […]

Nothing in life is worse than losing a loved one. Whether the passing is due to the normal aging process or a sudden event, the pain and grief can be overwhelming. Oftentimes a loved one’s passing may be due to the negligence of a person or company. When that is the case, the family of […]