Category: Car Accident Claims

Massachusetts drivers at some point during their lifetime will receive a speeding ticket or other motor vehicle infraction. Once you receive your citation you have twenty days to either pay the fine, or request a hearing in court before a judge. If you pay the fine you are essentially admitting fault and foregoing your right to challenge […]

An 86-year old disabled taxi driver was assaulted in a road rage incident involving a man from Newton. According to police, the driver from Newton, apparently upset with the taxi driver, cut off his motor vehicle and exited his vehicle. He then struck the elderly man, and fled the scene. The elderly man was injured as a result and transported to […]

Today is New Year’s Eve which is a day filled with reflection of the past year, and a look ahead to 2019. Unfortunately this day is oftentimes one in which people drink to excess. As you celebrate this special occasion with family and friends, please keep in mind the importance of celebrating responsibly. It is no surprise […]

Car accidents give rise to many questions. Who pays my medical bills? Who pays for lost wages? Can I collect pain and suffering? If you have been involved in a car accident and sustained injuries, there is a process you must follow with the car insurance company that insures the car you were in at the time […]

More disturbing facts are emerging about the tragic limousine accident that claimed 20 lives on Saturday. The limo driver along with all 17 passengers were killed, as well as two pedestrians. Reportedly, there were a number of safety motor vehicle rules that were violated.  Apparently the limo driver lost control while going through a busy intersection, […]

what type of car accident settlement can I expect?

An estimated 25-50 million people are injured in auto accidents each year. Many of the victims of these accidents are injured, and seek legal representation. At our office many of our clients ask “How much will my case settle for?” This is a very reasonable question and the answer depends on a few different factors. Knowing how case settlements […]

Why won't any car accident attorneys take my case?

If you’ve been involved in an accident you may be seeking legal representation. That is good because by having help on your side, your rights will be protected. Representation also will enable you to receive the best possible settlement. However, just because you had a crash does not mean an attorney will take on your […]

what should I do during my Massachusetts car accident case?

Auto accidents in the Commonwealth happen to almost everyone. Just about everyone who has been driving for a substantial period of time has caused an accident, or been the victim of an accident. If you have been been injured due to someone’s negligence, knowing what you should be doing during the case is important. Here are some things to keep […]

what car accident damages can you collect?

Following your auto accident you likely have suffered damages. These are losses you sustained arising from the accident. Insurance company settlements are intended to reimburse you for all losses you experienced. These include both economic (medical bills; lost wages, etc.) and non-economic damages (pain and suffering). Here are some typical damages that can result from a Massachusetts car accident. […]

when your auto accident claim is denied

Car insurance companies, when presented with valid and legitimate car accident injury claims, often deny them. Frequently denials are issued when they should not be. Of course, some denials are based on legitimate reasons, but many are not. If your claim has been denied, it is important to know what you can do in response. Reasons […]