Category: Car Accident Claims

arbitration of Massachusetts car accident claims

Given the high number of Massachusetts residents injured each year in car accidents, a number of these people file claims for their damages. One method of resolving these claims is through arbitration. Understanding this part of the personal injury legal process is important for anyone that may be involved in possible arbitration of a car accident claim in […]

is an employer liable for an employee's car accident?

Given the high number of car accidents each year, it is no surprise many involve vehicles operated by employees on behalf of their employers. When car crashes in Massachusetts happen, are both the employee and employer liable for any personal injuries that were caused? A legal doctrine called respondeat superior makes the employer automatically liable for […]

what are my rights as a passenger in a car accident?

Americans spend roughly 1 million hours annually in hospitals due to injuries from motor vehicle accidents. Many of these injury victims are passengers. As a motor vehicle accident attorney in Massachusetts, our office frequently represents injured passengers against the driver(s) that caused their injuries. If you had a car crash as a passenger in Massachusetts, it is important […]

common Massachusetts car accident questions

As personal injury lawyers, a sizeable portion of our case load are car accident cases. Through the years we have found there are some commonly asked questions from car accident victims. If you are the victim of a car accident case due to someone’s negligence, here are some answers to questions you may have: What if the […]

are car accident case settlements taxable?

Many times car accident claims result in settlements to injured parties. This money is intended to make the claimant whole again. Of course, that is not possible, but the system is designed with this goal in mind. These settlements often provide compensation for lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, payment for outstanding medical bills, […]

how insurance companies try to limit Boston car accident settlements

I have written before on how you can never trust a car insurance company. It is important to know how insurance companies set up their claims departments. Once a claim is reported, the insurance adjuster begins investigating the claim. The adjuster will likely call you and send you letters. The adjuster typically is assigned many, many files. The adjuster’s key […]

low speed Boston motor vehicle accidents

There are on average 6 million car accidents each year. Many of these are low speed car accidents. These accidents sometimes do not cause serious property damage to the vehicles involved. Because of this, insurance companies constantly argue that these accidents cannot possibly cause personal injury to the car’s occupants. They are convinced and constantly argue that no human […]

What if I was not wearing my seatbelt?

Many people injured by the negligence of someone else in a Boston auto accident were not wearing their seatbelt. These innocent victims of personal injury oftentimes worry they will be found at-fault, or partially at-fault, for not wearing their seatbelt at the time of the crash. Massachusetts law requires, with limited exceptions, all motorists to wear a […]

If you have been injured in a car crash you very likely are dealing with the stress of of dealing with insurance companies. You may be dealing with getting your car fixed, or with trying to get your medical bills paid, or other accident-related issues. While you go through this process, it is important to remember one very […]

There are a staggering number of car accidents every year. Unfortunately many of these car crashes result in injury. If one is injured in a crash, and not at fault for causing the crash, a claim for pain and suffering can be made. Most of these claims (also referred to as bodily injury claims), resolve […]