Slip and fall cases can be challenging to win at trial in Massachusetts. Each county in Massachusetts is unique and within each county sits jurors with unique life experiences with their own opinions regarding whether or not injury victims are deserving of compensation. Defense lawyers and insurance claims adjusters, when evaluating a claim, consider the […]
Helpful Map Showing County Juror Tendencies
Category: Current Affairs
Millions of Americans have Medicare health insurance coverage. Oftentimes however, when a Medicare beneficiary is involved in a personal injury event, dealing with Medicare can be a tedious and interminable process. By law, Medicare has an automatic lien for any medical bills they paid out on your behalf in connection with medical treatment you received stemming […]
I absolutely love this man’s loyalty to his deceased sister and his unbridled and justified social media campaign against Progressive for its unconscionable response to her death. Here is the story from Comedian Calls Out Progressive Insurance for Defending His Sister’s Killer; Progressive Responds in Heartless Robot Fashion With a title as provocative as […]
Here is a great article I came across written by Maryland personal injury lawyer Ronald Miller regarding how the issue of defense costs affects an insurer’s willingness to settle a personal injury case. Here is the article: Can I Expect the Insurance Company to Settle to Avoid the Costs of Litigation?by Ron Miller on July 13, 2012 There is no […]
This story is from today’s edition of After fall, insurers’ auto rates up again. New competition isn’t guaranteeing price cuts By Todd Wallack Globe Staff / May 15, 2012 Auto insurance rates, which tumbled after Massachusetts opened the state to more competition four years ago, are marching steadily upward again. Many of the state’s […]

Proud to present an article I wrote about how I started up my Massachusetts personal injury law office which is featured on the Starting Out Solo (SOS) website. Here it is: Opening Stories – Christopher Earley Written on May 10, 2012 by Gabriel Cheong in Opening Stories After being admitted to the Massachusetts bar in December 2004, I met an older […]
I love this article. It helps to promulgate the much needed message that insurance companies are not concerned with treating the injured fairly. Rather, they are concerned solely on increasing their bottom lines at the expense of those who are truly are aggrieved, and deserving of fair and reasonable compensation. Here is the article from […]
I would like to wish all of my readers a Happy Thanksgiving, 2011. I hope everyone is able to step away from work and other obligations for this special day, and to gather and celebrate with family to give thanks. I am personally thankful for my family and for the upcoming birth of my first child, […]
I am so proud to announce that the kind folks over at LexisNexis nominated this blog as one of the top 25 tort blogs in America. Here is the link, and thank you so much LexisNexis:
Susan Saladoff, Esq., director of the film “Hot Coffee” recently appeared on Stephen Colbert. Kudos to her for continuing to tirelessly fight to dispel the myths created and propagated by big business to deny access to justice for injury victims. Here is the clip: