Category: Current Affairs

The University of Utah recently conducted a seminal study investigating the occurrence of injuries to children caused by larger, high-profile vehicles. This comes courtesy of the Associated Press: (AP) – SALT LAKE CITY-Children are up to 2 1/2 times more likely to be backed over by a minivan, sport utility vehicle or truck than by a […]

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that may change the law on punitive damages. This is important because the ruling could affect Massachusetts injury victims and their ability to obtain punitive damages in court. Here is an article provided by the American Trial Lawyers Association on this very important topic: The Supreme Court […]

A Florida jury found that a 20-year employee of the USPS was unlawfully fired because the employee had filed, in the view of the USPS, too many workers’ compensation claims. An employee in Massachusetts cannot be fired for filing a Massachusetts workers’ compensation claim. To allow such conduct would prevent the employer from paying the workers’ […]

I thought it would be nice to dedicate my 240th post on this blog to something other than Massachusetts personal injury law, especially given the fact that a very important holiday is fast approaching. A fellow blogger, Grant Griffiths, a Kansas family law attorney, has a great post on his Kansas Family Law Blog about […]

Thankfully, we will not see any sweeping Massachusetts medical malpractice tort reform any time soon. On Monday, the US Senate voted down a bill that would have limited the relief afforded to medical malpractice victims. The bill would have placed caps on punitive and pain and suffering damages available to medical malpractice victims. Here is an article […]

The practice of nursing home abuse in Massachusetts is rampant. I find this to be a wretched and deplorable fact. I feel it is important to inform people about how to avoid being the victim, or having a loved one be the victim of nursing home abuse. To that end, I provide a link to […]

Many interested parties push for tort reform, as they feel that juries are awarding too much in compensatory and punitive damages to injury victims. Many people perceive injury victims who try to obtain fair and reasonable compensation for their injuries to be pitiful or pathetic money-chasers. The McDonald’s spilled coffee from the early 1990’s seemed to […]

I found the following post over at the Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyers Blog which I think helps to further one of the objectives of this blog: to inform people how insurance companies handle personal injury cases. Here is the post: “Readers know what insurance companies want, as if insurers’ Katrina issues weren’t enough, and now comes a new book […]

The Associated Press reported on a study last week that revealed the majority of motor vehicle accidents are caused by distracted or inattentive drivers. Here is an excerpt of the article courtesy of the AP: AP) – BLACKSBURG, Virginia-Eight out of 10 crashes in the United States involve drivers who are drowsy, chatting on a […]

According to Jury Verdict Research, the number of Plaintiffs’ personal injury verdicts in the United States has remained fairly constant in recent years. However, the amount that juries are awarding in personal injury cases has been changing. For example, the median premises liability verdict was down from $156,398 in 2002 to $90,005 in 2003. In vehicular […]