Category: Dog Bites

I have said many times on this blog that dog bite accidents cause very serious and permanent personal and mental injuries. Common injuries from these accident typically are  scarring and psychological trauma. The alarming aspect of dog bites is the frequency in which they occur. Here is some information provided by the folks over at the LawInfo […]

I found the following on the wonderfully comprehensive personal injury law web site of Edward Smith who is a personal injury attorney in San Jose, California. On his web site attorney Smith provides great information on dog bites. Here are some tips to avoid a dog bite and/or dog attack, and I am aware that some […]

Massachusetts dog bite accidents occur each and every day. Needless to say, these accidents can cause very serious personal and mental injuries to the victim. They can cause scarring, fractures, disfigurement, etc. They can also cause mental injuries such as severe and permanent trauma, as well as fear of dogs  When it comes to the Massachusetts law […]

Dog bites occur with alarming frequency in Massachusetts. These accidents cause two types of injuries: physical and mental. The physical injuries can include lacerations, scarring, disfigurement, fractures, etc. The mental injuries are usually many, but primarily, trauma is the common mental injury following a dog bite. Unlike Massachusetts auto accidents and slips and falls, it […]