Category: General Injury Information

If you were involved in a car crash in Massachusetts, the insurance company that insures the car you were in at the time of the accident will pay for your lost wages. The lost wage claim is part of your PIP (Personal Injury Protection), first-party claim with the insurance company. This is part of the no-fault insurance system […]

Sadly, there are lawyers who scour the accident reports from recent car crashes in order to solicit, either on the telephone, letter, or both, potential clients in hopes of drumming up business. Many lawyers, including myself, look with disfavor on this practice because it gives personal injury lawyers a bad name. It is considered improper […]

Many of my clients have experienced soft tissue injuries following their accident. But what is a soft tissue injury? Briefly stated – for I am most definitely not a doctor – soft tissue injuries include injuries to the soft tissue areas of the body that include the epithelial, muscular, nervous, and connective tissues. Soft tissue […]

Get the names, telephone numbers and addresses of all parties; Get the names, telephone and addresses of all witnesses; Call an ambulance and the police, if necessary; Get the insurance information, if possible, for all parties; Photograph the scene of the accident as soon as possible; Keep all important information such as receipts, accident reports, […]

I came across yet another fantastically informative article over at the website of CBS Channel 3 of Springfield, MA. This article gives you some great inf0rmation if you have been injured by a product in Massachusetts: Q. What is Products Liability? A. “Products Liability” is a term which describes the law of negligence and breach […]

This list does not cover all factors that determine the value of a claim, only some of them: Type of accident; Whether or not the accident was partly your fault; The type of injury was sustained; Whether or not you had surgery; Whether or not the injury is permanent; Whether or not you lost time […]

They know you won’t sue since you don’t have a lawyer representing you; They know that if you sue them, you will probably lose as the insurance companies have attorneys protecting their interests, and they know you are not a trained attorney who knows how to practice law; They are well trained negotiators and know […]

Many of my clients, at the end of their case, often tell me that they were not going to pursue their case initially. They tell me that once they realized the insurance company did not care about them, as their medical bills soared, and their injuries just got worse, is when they decided to contact my […]

Here is how insurance law works, generally speaking, when you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Massachusetts: The auto insurance company that insures the driver who hit you will pay up to $8,000.00 of your medical bills, as well as 75% of your lost wages. Note that your auto insurance company does not […]

Yes. If you were hurt in an accident outside of Massachusetts, you can hire a Massachusetts personal injury lawyer if you live in Massachusetts to help you. Many times, the law of the state where your accident occurred controls which state’s laws will apply to your case.