Category: General Injury Information

This subject makes me sick. I cannot believe how this can happen, but it does. It makes me so sick that I wanted to share this article I found over at CBS Channel 3 in Springfield, Massachusetts. The article  illuminates what families need to know if a loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse in Massachusetts. […]

No, you cannot sue your employer in Massachusetts. What you can do, however, is file a claim for Massachusetts workers’ compensation benefits. You do not need to show that your employer was at-fault for causing your injuries. Rather, you just need to show that you were injured at work, and you are therefore entitled to […]

Yes. Statistics show that claimants who have an attorney often receive a higher settlement – even after the legal fee is deducted – than those who negotiate with an insurance company without representation. Suppose you were injured in a small rear-ender, and the insurance company calls you soon after the accident and offers you $500.00 […]

Here are some great nuggets of information for those injured in a slip and fall accident in Massachusetts that I found over at the CBS channel 3 Springfield, MA website : Slip and Fall FAQs Q: Under what circumstances is a landowner liable for damages to someone who is injured in a slip and fall […]

Generally, lawyers who take on auto accident, slip and fall, dog bite, and other personal injury cases charge a fee of 1/3 of the recovery. Very seldom does a lawyer who represents personal injury victims charge by the hour. What the 1/3 percentage fee means is that if the lawyer obtains a settlement, or verdict […]

The short answer: it depends if you want it to or not. Most cases involving personal injury such as motor vehicle auto accidents are resolved before trial. The reason most cases settle before trial is that jury, as well as bench trials (a judge decides the case outcome), are so uncertain. Their outcomes are so […]

These videos are really only appropriate in serious injury cases where death or serious disfigurement has occurred. If done well, these videos effectively showcase the injury victim and how he/she manages life’s daily requirements. The videographer will shoot the injury victim and effectively portray how he/she struggles to do the most mundane activities such as […]

If you are injured in a car crash in Massachusetts, the fact that you were not wearing your seat belt does not constitute negligence (fault) on your part. So, if are injured in the crash and bring a claim against the at-fault driver, the fact that you were not wearing your seat belt is inadmissible […]

The lawyers over at Altman & Altman, which is a Massachusetts personal injury and Massachusetts criminal defense firm, have a great blog dealing with Massachusetts workers compensation law. Here is a link: My office handles workers compensation claims, and Altman’s blog does a wonderful job of explaining this area of law to both lawyers […]

The point of criminal law is to punish for wrongdoing. The point of civil law is to hold wrongdoers financially accountable to deter similar behavior in the future. With certain criminal offenses in Massachusetts, there is often a criminal prosecution as well as a civil trial. Examples of such criminal offenses are assault, battery, rape […]