Category: General Injury Information

Here is a story provided by the Milford Daily News regarding a bicycle accident that occurred on June 6, 2006 in Mendon, Massachusetts: MENDON — A 22-year-old Mendon woman was injured yesterday afternoon at Bates and Bellingham streets after being hit by a car while she rode her bike home from work, police said. Gretchen Leutert, of […]

A torn meniscus is a very common, painful and debilitating injury. It can be caused by a number of factors. Often, a personal injury accident can cause this type of injury. When that happens, the medical bills and lost time from work can be formidable. Since so many people suffer from torn menisci, I thought it may […]

It is nearly summer and that means pools are starting to open. That also means that pool injuries will inevitably occur. Children, because of their size and naivety, are especially vulnerable to pool injuries. I found this over at which reminds and teaches us how we can prevent children from being injured in and around […]

Yes, it is nearly summer again in New England. With Memorial Day fast approaching, that means pools will be opened. That also means that pool accidents will occur. Whether it be drowning, or improperly diving into a pool, these accidents cause very serious and fatal injuries. I found this post over at Brain Injury News and Information Blog […]

Mesothelioma has in recent years been gaining a large amount of attention. I think it is important for my readers to be familiar with mesothelioma because it can cause extremely serious personal injuries. But what is mesothelioma? I found the following on The Asbestos Facts Blog which explains: Mesothelioma is a cancer of the cells that make up the lining […]

Many people equate personal injury law to motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, dog bites, and everything in between. But, boating accidents account for a large number of personal injuries each year which many people do not realize. This story is out of Rhode Island but applies to Massachusetts as well. Boating accidents occur with […]

Far too many people are the victims of crime in Massachusetts. The crimes of assault, battery, rape, just to name a few, occur far too often. Here is an example: someone pouches you in the face. Following this crime, you may need to seek medical treatment which means you will have to pay for said treatment, and, you […]

Unfortunately, people are still not wearing seat belts. There are far too many people involved in Massachusetts auto accidents who sustain serious and fatal injuries that could have been prevented by wearing a seat belt. This disturbing and perplexing story was provided by which reveals that too many drivers are not wearing seat belts: The latest […]

Massachusetts auto accidents occur with alarming frequency. With the sweltering summer temperatures fast approaching, it is important to realize that higher roadway surface temperatures mean increased tire blowouts. Here is a post provided by Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer Randall S. Udelman on this very topic: In the summer months, check the tire pressure in your cars or trucks as […]

A fracture is a broken bone. Fractured bones happen quite often in auto accidents, slips and falls, and all other accidents. Generally, if liability can be established in a Massachusetts personal injury accident, a fracture is worth more in compensation than a strain or a sprain. Here are some of the various types of fractures that […]