Category: General Massachusetts Personal Injury Information

Massachusetts law provides a cause of action for those persons injured by drunk drivers who are over-served at drinking establishments. By over-serving the individual(s) that was responsible for causing the Massachusetts auto accident, the establishment can be sued for all foreseeable injuries that are caused to the victim(s). Of course, the drunk driver can also be […]

Trucking accidents often involve multiple vehicles which means many people may have been injured as a result of the accident. I came across which is a wonderful site dedicated to, well, you guessed it, truck accidents. Here is something I found on that site which provides some information about the laws and regulations truckers, while […]

No. Generally speaking, under Section 104 of the Internal Revenue Code, monies received as settlement for personal injuries are not considered taxable income. The rationale behind this rule is that you are not realizing a taxable event because the settlement money is intended to put you in the position you were in prior to the Massachusetts accident. Therefore, […]

There is a new personal injury blog, the Maryland Personal Injury Blog, authored by Maryland personal injury attorney Ronald V. Miller. Attorney Miller has a great post on his blog about recent trucking accident jury verdicts. Here is the post: A recent Jury Verdict Research nationwide study looked at truck accidents from 1996 to 2005 found that the […]

Massachusetts insurance companies hire people to photograph vehicle damage following a motor vehicle accident. These photographers are skilled at taking photographs from angles which downplay the actual damage sustained to the vehicle. It is for that reason that you need to know how to properly photograph your vehicle after your accident. Here is a great article filled […]

After a Massachusetts personal injury accident, you may experience financial woes. For example, perhaps you are unable to work following the accident, but medical bills from your medical treatment keep piling up.  This is common following not only Massachusetts auto accidents, but also Massachusetts slip and fall accidents, and nearly all other accidents under the sun. […]

Many times in Massachusetts children trespass. This can result in harm and personal injury to such children. Massachusetts has a statute which protects children who are injured as a result of trespassing on a landowner’s property. A Massachusetts landowner can be held liable for injuries to trespassing children if he knew or had reason to know […]

To follow-up on the previous post which dealt with the elusive job of valuing a Massachusetts slip and fall accident, let us now, in the same spirit, turn out attention to the probable value of a car accident claim. Here is a “discussion” provided by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly of six experienced Massachusetts personal injury lawyers discussing […]

It is very hard to answer this question when the client first walks in the door. When things become clearer, i.e. nature of injuries, extent of injuries, permanency of injuries and amount of lost wages are determined, then the lawyer can give the client an idea of what the slip and fall case may be […]

Unfortunately, Massachusetts personal injury lawyers, like all lawyers, make mistakes. After all, lawyers are human. Sometimes, however, these mistakes are irreversible. For example, many personal injury lawyers fail to file a Complaint for a client in a personal injury case within the Statute of Limitations. If you (if you are representing yourself), or your attorney, does […]