Category: General Massachusetts Personal Injury Information

Massachusetts motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, dog bite accidents, and nearly all other accidents, usually involve someone who was negligent, or at fault for the accident. It is the personal injury attorney’s job to establish that your injuries were caused by the negligence of the at-fault party. But what is negligence? I found the following on […]

So you or your attorney has successfully persuaded the insurance company to pay you a satisfactory settlement for your car accident or other type of Massachusetts personal injury claim. When that happens, you must sign a release. When you sign the release, you are declaring that you have settled your claim in its entirety, and that you […]

Many people are injured each and every day on the MBTA. Accidents such as slips and fall and motor vehicle accidents make up the bulk of claims filed each day against the MBTA. Personal injury claims against the MBTA are different than claims against private persons. Here are some things to keep in mind if you have been […]

Many times the negligence of someone else can other people very serious injuries. But sometimes negligence causes injuries to animals. When this happens in Massachusetts, the owner of the animal often suffers emotional distress after seeing or witnessing their pet(s) sustain injuries as a result of the negligence of a third-party. Cases like this often […]

Many times a Massachusetts insurance company will deny a motor vehicle accident bodily injury claim because of witness statements that are in their favor. Witnesses are critical and play a huge role in most successful Massachusetts personal injury claims. If you have been injured in a Massachusetts car accident, Massachusetts slip and fall accident, of […]

Defamation is a type of personal injury claim unlike most personal injury claims. Most personal injury claims result from auto accidents, slips and fall, dog bites, and all other accidents where physical injuries have been sustained. But defamation is different. Defamation is concerned with harm to one’s reputation. Defamation is comprised of two branches: slander […]

Motorcycle operators are at great risk to experience serious, permanent and possibly fatal injuries following a crash. Massachusetts motorcycle accidents happen all to often. Regardless of your experience level, it it crucial you exercise the highest degree of caution when operating your bike. To that end I provide the following as provided by on how you can avoid, […]

During my initial meeting with accident victims, many of them ask me how much monetary compensation they will recover for their Massachusetts personal injury claim. I tell them the same thing every time: I have no idea. That is because until you conclude your medical treatment following your Massachusetts car accident, slip and fall accident, or […]

Personal injury accidents often involve minors. Generally (with a few exceptions), a Massachusetts injury victim has three years from the date of the accident to file a claim for his injuries. But with minors, that rule is tweaked a little bit. For example, if a 16 year-old is involved in a Massachusetts car accident, or a […]

Adults in Massachusetts who serve alcoholic beverages to their guests can be held liable if one of the guests injures someone in a Massachusetts car accident, or any other kind of accident. For example, if you are hosting a party and have your friends over for a few drinks, you can be held responsible if […]