Category: General Massachusetts Personal Injury Information

Many times Massachusetts insurance companies refuse to pay on a bodily injury claim because they do not believe that the claimant truly sustained injuries. I see many low-impact, motor vehicle accident claims denied – even where liability has been established – because the relevant insurance company does not believe the claimant was injured. What claims adjusters […]

Fortunately, most Massachusetts personal injury claims settle with the the relevant insurance company outside of court. However, for many different reasons, there are claims that are not settled. When that happens, it is necessary for your Massachusetts personal injury lawyer to commence litigation against the individual that caused your injuries, and the insurance company that […]

Workers’ compensation in Massachusetts is essentially a compromise between workers and employers. When workers get hurt at work, they are entitled to be compensated for their medical bills and missed time from work. Such compensation is paid even without a showing of fault on the part of the employer. In exchange, workers cannot sue their […]

The answer, unfortunately, is that there is no answer. Determining what a Massachusetts personal injury case is worth is more of an art than a science. There is no way to definitively tell you what your claim is worth until after you have reached a “medical end-result” and fully completed your medical treatment. At that time, your […]

In Massachusetts, if you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, or any other accident, and you are partly at fault for causing the accident, you may still recover compensation for your injuries. Massachusetts law states that in the event you have contributed to your own injuries (if you were somehow […]

Many times in Massachusetts the negligence of someone can cause fatal injuries to the victim of that negligence. If the victim dies as a result of that negligence, the victim’s family may bring a clam against the negligent party for wrongful death. Since the victim is dead, his claim against the negligent party does not […]

Slip and fall accidents occur with alarming frequency in Massachusetts. Slip and fall accidents also can cause very serious injuries. It is extremely important following your slip and fall accident to put the relevant property owner on notice that you slipped and fell on his/her property. Do this as soon as possible. Include in the […]

It is well known that drunk drivers in Massachusetts oftentimes cause serious and sometimes fatal car accidents. Most people are aware that drunk drivers can be faced with criminal charges. But also, drunk drivers who cause injuries to others can be sued for negligence, among other things. But many people do not know that if […]

The MBTA is subject to many personal injury claims each and every year due to the high number of passengers they transport every day. As an MBTA accident lawyer I have successfully handled many of these claims over the years. Many personal injury claims against the MBTA are for injuries sustained on buses, trains, and injuries that […]

Many times people are injured in motor vehicle accidents and other accidents as a result of someone who, at the time of the accident, was working for his/her employer. But can you sue the employer if the employee causes your injuries? Well, that depends. What needs to be shown is that the employee who caused […]