Category: General Massachusetts Personal Injury Information

Oftentimes those who have injured in an accident, i.e. auto accident, slip and fall, etc., suffer exacerbation, or worsening of those injuries. What happens then to the victim? Is he/she just flat unlucky? Well, negligence law holds that one who causes injuries to another “takes his victim as he finds him.” What that means is […]

Everyone is aware that driving a motorcycle can be dangerous. Many motorcycle-related deaths occur each year on Massachusetts roadways. However, Massachusetts insurance laws do not afford motorcycle operators the same protections afforded to automobile operators. In a prior post I discussed PIP (Personal Injury Protection) benefits that are part of the no-fault automobile insurance structure […]

Most people have heard of ‘whiplash.’ But what does it actually mean? Boston whiplash lawyer Christopher Earley has represented many car accident victims since 2004 with this common condition. What Is Whiplash And How Is It Caused? Whiplash commonly occurs to those sitting in the front seats of a vehicle that has been involved in […]

If you have been involved in a Massachusetts auto accident and sustained injuries, whatever medical bills you incur as a result will usually be paid by your auto insurance carrier. Typically following such accidents, injured persons usually incur ambulance, hospital, physical therapy and chiropractic bills, depending on the extent of your injuries. After you have treated […]

Once again the insurance industry is cutting back on the types of dogs it agrees to insure. According to the Insurance Information Institute, dog bite claims cost the insurance industry around $300 million dollars annually. As such, dog bite claims are costing the insurance company big money and now they are trying to prevent further […]

For those people injured in minor accidents in Massachusetts, i.e., low medical bills and small damages, I would highly suggest Nolo’s “How To Win Your Personal Injury Claim” written by Attorney Joseph L. Matthews. If you are representing yourself in connection with your injury claim, this book can possibly assist you, assuming the case is a […]

Following up on recent posts on this blog regarding dog bites in Massachusetts, I came across a website called which I thought did a good job of explaining how to prevent dog bites, and how to treat them after they do occur. Please click here for the link to the article.

The answer is, there is no answer. Every single case is different. There is no way to gauge the possible value of your case until your attorney has reviewed the police report of the accident (if there was one created), all medical bills and medical records, any lost wages (if there were any), whether you had […]

The AP reports today that a 16 year old girl – who was 8 at the time she was sexually assaulted by a caregiver approved by the city of Philadelphia – will get $5.35 million stemming from many emotional and personal injuries brought upon her by this despicable individual. Many people are unaware that oftentimes […]

In Massachusetts, the conduct of insurance companies is largely governed by M.G.L. c.93A and M.G.L. c.176D. These two respective statutes require that insurance companies who handle all claims, including personal injury claims, do so in a fair and reasonable manner. Above all, insurance companies must not engage in practices that are unfair or deceptive. If it […]