Category: General Massachusetts Personal Injury Information

Minors, just like adults, can be the victims of negligence. They can be injured just like adults can in motor vehicle accidents and other and various types of accident-producing events. Toddlers can and do oftentimes become injured at daycare centers due to the negligence of daycare workers. Regardless of the context of the accident, minors have the same […]

Almost everyone has heard before the term personal injury. Personal injury is any type of physical, mental, or emotional harm suffered as a result of an accident caused by negligence. A settlement is an agreement to pay financial compensation in order to close out a case. Not all personal injury cases result in settlements. In order […]

Many people, regardless of what they do for a living, are exposed to the risk of injury each and every day. Whether it be construction workers, truck drivers, or anyone else, there are always possible ways to injure yourself on the job. When an accident at work produces personal injuries, oftentimes, the victim wants to know […]

For anyone that has been involved with a Massachusetts personal injury claim, he or she knows that the process can be quite lengthy. Whether you had a car accident or any other type of accident, there are many different reasons as to why the claims process can be a very long one. Most legal processes take […]

Many people, unfortunately, are the victims of a personal injury accident. One of the most important things to do following an accident, which was caused by negligence, is to report the accident. Timely reporting the accident to the appropriate party can ensure that an accurate record of the incident is taken down. It really depends on […]

There is no question that the aftermath of an accident can be very distressing. An accident victim may be going to medical appointments, and therefore racking up medical bills, and also may be losing time from work. Additionally, the victim may be receiving paperwork as well as phone calls from insurance companies. Naturally, confusion can […]

If your personal injury claim does not settle at the claim stage, then your attorney will need to file a civil lawsuit for you in court. As part of any civil lawsuit for personal injuries, depositions must be taken. For example, if you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, the attorney for the party you […]

Like all other states, Massachusetts has laws which govern the period in time in which a lawsuit for personal injuries can be filed. That time period is called a statute of limitations. Generally speaking, statute of limitations have very few, if any, exceptions. In the event the statute of limitations passes without the necessary complaint being […]

Personal injury lawsuits are civil lawsuits that are intended to seek compensation due to negligence. When someone is injured due to negligence, they oftentimes can incur financial loses as well as pain and suffering. Lawsuits for personal injuries are intended to provide financial compensation to make the victim whole. These are different than criminal cases […]

It is mid-April, 2020, and the COVID-19 pandemic has completely revolutionized American society. All of us now are ordered to stay at home and socially distance from others to the greatest extent possible. Many are fortunate enough to work remotely from home. However, there are those that are required to report to work, such as […]