Category: Insurance Information

This is a common scenario. The driver who caused your Massachusetts motor vehicle accident only has $20k in liability protection. But, suppose your damages (medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering) exceed $20k. In that event you must make an underinsured claim with your auto insurance carrier. The minimum amount you must have in Massachusetts for underinsurance is […]

If you have caused a Massachusetts car accident, your auto insurance company will be responsible for any liability for the accident you may have. But, what if the case does not settle? Are you going to be raked over the coals at trial and be personally responsible for paying a verdict in excess of your policy limits? […]

If your Massachusetts personal injury lawyer has settled your injury claim, there is a chance that Medicare will have a lien for any medical bills they paid. So, if Medicare pays a portion of your medical bills stemming from your Massachusetts accident, be ready to pay Medicare back for the bills they paid on your behalf.

The following post was provided courtesy of California Personal Injury Attorney Norman Fernandez over at his Biker and Motorcycle Blog which I have mentioned before on this blog. Norman has a great blog and I highly recommend it for great insight and information about personal injury law.  Here is his post: “Most of us are good […]

If you are handling your Massachusetts personal injury claim without an attorney, you will need to know how to write, and present, an effective demand letter to an insurance adjuster. Here is a primer from on this very topic: “The demand letter is the centerpiece of the insurance claim negotiation process. In it, you set […]

If you are representing yourself in connection with your Massachusetts personal injury claim, here is a great bit of advice provided by “When you are first contacted, avoid volunteering information about the medical aspects of your case or statements that suggest you were at fault. Since you are not a medical expert, and may […]

Your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) benefits are paid through your Massachusetts auto insurance carrier. Sometimes, however, your carrier may not pay the benefits until there is a medical record review or an IME (Independent Medical Examination) conducted. This can upset many Massachusetts personal injury victims because after all, your PIP should be paid because that is […]

As most of you may know, the “opening offer” by an insurance adjuster is just that; it is an “opening offer.” You must keep in mind that all insurance adjusters are delegated a certain amount of “authority” for each claim they handle. Therefore, never accept an “opening offer.” The adjuster assigned to your claim will […]

Boston attorney Stephen D. Rosenberg has a wonderfully informative blog which can be found here which I just discovered. The blog has a wealth of information concerning ERISA and insurance litigation. Check it out.

My colleague, Jonathan Stein, a California personal injury attorney, was kind enough to share with me his 10 Steps To a Successful Homeowner’s Insurance Claim. Check out attorney Stein’s blog, the California Personal Injury and Insurance Blog which is laden with answers to your personal injury and insurance related questions. Here is the list,  provided by attorney Stein, on how […]