Category: Massachusetts Medical Malpractice

Proving Medical Negligence: Essential Elements in Cases

Understanding the complexities of medical malpractice, negligence, and patient rights requires navigating through a maze of legal terms and principles. Yet, it’s essential for both the general public and professionals to grasp these concepts to ensure justice and accountability in healthcare. When doctors or nurses make mistakes, it can lead to big problems. Sometimes they […]

Plastic representation of a brain.

Sustaining a brain injury can significantly impact one’s life and the lives of their loved ones. Whether the injury occurs due to a car accident, a slip and fall, medical malpractice, or any other unfortunate incident, seeking legal representation from an experienced brain injury lawyer is necessary. Hiring a great injury attorney can make a […]

Lawyer Signing Legal Papers

Medical malpractice is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences for patients and their families. Understanding the complexities of this field, the need for legal representation, and the steps involved in pursuing a case is crucial. This article provides a guide to understanding medical malpractice lawsuits, the importance of attorneys in these cases, and […]

car accident victim sitting by car

Not Filing a Police Report Filing a police report is essential in maintaining a strong case. By providing documentation of the accident, the police report allows for an unbiased third-party account of the incident. It legitimizes the claim the victim has, while also providing effectual evidence in comparison to hearsay from either the victim or […]

Insurance companies like to play games with innocent injury victims. Don’t fall for their tricks and traps. Here are seven insider secrets insurance adjusters don’t want you to know about. When Insurance companies tell you that their offer is final, they are not telling you the truth. Nearly every adjuster can get additional settlement authority […]

Attorney balance advocate antique beautiful blind blindfold

When it comes to accident claims, being careful is essential- and the wrong move could wreck your accident claim. As an attorney who’s been representing personal injury victims for nearly two decades-I’ve become accustomed to how the game works in cases like these, known as the 5 Deadly Sins. To begin, the first deadly sin […]

There are a number of factors that come into play when an attorney decides whether or not to take on a personal injury case for a client.  Here are some, but not all, of those factors: Has the Statute of Limitations run (it is different for different types of cases)? Was the client injured? Did […]

Although no two insurance companies have the same approach, there are some common elements on how insurance companies value personal injury cases. Here are some, but not all of them: Is liability on the part of the insured person(s) or company clear, and if not, is there any liability at all? An example would be a […]

Negligence in Massachusetts, and in all states, means failing to act reasonably in a situation and causing injury to a person(s) as a direct result. As a Boston accident lawyer, negligence is the lynchpin of each case my office handles. Whether it be a Massachusetts car accident, slip and fall, or any other type of personal injury […]

Here is a great article from the Wall Street Journal written by a doctor regarding how hospitals can make the administration of health care safer for patients.  Here is the article: How to Stop Hospitals From Killing Us Medical errors kill enough people to fill four jumbo jets a week. A surgeon with five simple […]