Category: MBTA Claims

All Massachusetts personal injury lawyers, as well as all practicing Massachusetts lawyers in general, have certain ethical requirements they must meet when representing injury victims. Whether your lawyer represents you in a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, dog bite case, products liability, medical malpractice, or any other type of personal injury case, your lawyer […]

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident at a retail store, the store does not have a legal duty to provide you with a copy of the video. The only real way to obtain the video of your fall is by suing the store for your injuries. At that time, during discovery, the store […]

Whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant in a Massachusetts personal injury lawsuit, there is a good chance you will be deposed. The American Bar Association provides 10 tips for deponents which I feel can help you if you are facing an impending deposition. Here they are: Tell the truth. Listen to the question. Pause. […]

Through the years I have noticed there are some common questions that most clients ask at the beginning of their case. Here are some answers to these common questions, which hopefully are of assistance to you if you have been injured by the fault of someone else: Do I have a case? This depends on […]

Many of my clients, at the end of their case, often tell me that they were not going to pursue their case initially. They tell me that once they realized the insurance company did not care about them, as their medical bills soared, and their injuries just got worse, is when they decided to contact my […]

Yes. If you have been injured in a Massachusetts slip and fall accident, and you have MassHealth coverage, and MassHealth pays for your medical bills, they will have a lien against monies you obtain via settlement. A lien means MassHealth has an enforceable legal interest in money that you recover from the person or company […]

As a Massachusetts slip and fall lawyer, I have learned these cases are hard to win in Massachusetts. These cases can lose at trial for a number of reasons. Usually, these cases are difficult because it is assumed the person that was injured was not being careful enough about watching where he/she was going. In […]

That generally depends on one thing: Notice. If it can be shown that the store had notice of the substance you fell on, then you may have a claim. Notice can be established in one of three ways.  One, that the store created the substance you fell on, and failed to correct it in a […]

Through the years I have noticed there are some common questions that most clients ask at the beginning of their case. Here are some answers to these common questions, which hopefully are of assistance to you if you have been injured by the fault of someone else: Do I have a case? This depends on […]

If you have suffered this misfortune, here are some things you need to be aware of: There is now a three statute of limitations for claims against the MBTA; Notice of your accident should be sent – via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested – to the MBTA legal department located at the Transportation Building in […]