Category: MBTA Claims

According to USA Today roughly 19 million visitors pass through Boston each year. It is no surprise given all that Boston has to offer. With such a huge number of visitors, it is no wonder that many are injured. Many visitors are injured in car accidents, slip and falls, and other types of accident cases. Visitors […]

Those who have been injured by the negligence of someone else often lose time from work, rack up medical bills, and suffer a host of other problems. Getting a damaged car fixed, going to medical appointments, dealing with insurance companies, all take time and aggravation. That is the bad news. The good news is that […]

I recently blogged that the MBTA , due to recent legislative changes, is now subject to caps on its liability in the amount of $100,000.00. An exception to the $100,000.00 cap is when there is a “serious bodily injury” which the legislation defines as “bodily injury which results in a permanent disfigurement, or loss or impairment […]

Some slip and fall cases are stronger than others. Of course, even if your case is not strong, that does NOT mean you do not have a case worth pursuing. Here are some elements that characterize a strong personal injury case: Good photographs were taken which show the area of the slip and fall accident was negligently maintained; […]

Generally in Massachusetts, if you slip and fall at a retail store, the store will refuse to give to you a copy of the incident report. The insurance adjuster assigned to your claim will also refuse to give to you a copy, even if you have an attorney working the case for you. Usually, the […]

Here is what you can expect when a slip and fall case settles with an insurance company: Client signs the Release in the presence of a witness (and sometimes a notary is required); All medical liens are negotiated; Client and attorney sign settlement check, and attorney deposits settlement check into escrow account (attorney can sign […]

It compensates for the medical treatment the injury victim had to endure; It covers the medical bills and liens that must be paid out of the settlement; It adequately compensates injury victim for lost wages, and if applicable, future lost wages or impairment of earning capacity; It fairly compensates for the physical pain and suffering […]

What are ‘damages’ from slip and fall accidents?  I found the following on the Cornell Law School website: Damages, in a legal sense, is the sum of money the law imposes for a breach of some duty or violation of some right. Generally, there are two types of damages: compensatory and punitive. (The term “damages” typically includes both categories, […]

Some cases settle relatively quickly, while some take years to settle. Oftentimes, there is no settlement at all after years of litigation and the case must be decided in court by either a judge or jury. The bottom line: there is no way to predict how long your case will take to resolve, assuming it […]

As a Massachusetts slip and fall attorney it is common to have a client who is partly at fault for the accident. However, even if the client is partly at fault, he/she may still bring a claim. As long as you were not more than 50% at-fault for the accident, you can still recover damages from […]