Category: Settlement

The aftermath of an auto accident, slip and fall, injury at work, or any other injury causing event can cause great stress to not only the injury victim, but also to his or her family. Oftentimes, the experience of going through the personal injury claim process can be just as anguishing as the personal injury event that lead […]

I found this post over at San Francisco Mediation: A Better Solution authored by San Francisco Attorney Paula M. Lawhon that caught my attention because of its informative analysis of mediation in the context of a personal injury case. It deftly chronicles the mediation process from start to finish. If you will soon be involved in a mediation, irrespective of the […]

Dallas, Texas lawyer Bob Kraft over at his P.I.S.S.D blog has a great guest post from Chris Jacobson of Criminal Justice regarding the pros and cons of settlement. Here is this very informative and useful post: No one really wants to go to court and go through the long and often messy process that is a trial, but when […]

According to USA Today roughly 19 million visitors pass through Boston each year. It is no surprise given all that Boston has to offer. With such a huge number of visitors, it is no wonder that many are injured. Many visitors are injured in car accidents, slip and falls, and other types of accident cases. Visitors […]

This is a topic I deal with quite frequently when representing personal injury victims. Often, my clients will call me and tell me the accident they were involved in has financially harmed them so much, they are willing to take a loan out. The loan is typically financed by a pre-settlement funding company. When my […]

I am a very strong proponent of mediation because it offers so many advantages for my injured clients. Trials are expensive, unpredictable, stressful, and if possible, avoidable with mediation. Here are some reasons that make mediation so attractive for Massachusetts personal injury claimants: it is relatively inexpensive (roughly $500/side for a half-day); it is confidential; it is relative quick, and […]

NO! Never. These lenders offer loans to those who have pending personal injury claims open, in the hopes of hooking injury victims who are financially strapped and will agree to unreasonable loan repayments terms. I always counsel my injury clients not to take out such loans, unless it is absolutely necessary. These lending companies charge […]

It compensates for the medical treatment the injury victim had to endure; It covers the medical bills and liens that must be paid out of the settlement; It adequately compensates injury victim for lost wages, and if applicable, future lost wages or impairment of earning capacity; It fairly compensates for the physical pain and suffering […]

The survivors of the the late actor John Ritter have reached a tentative settlement figure with the Burbank, California hospital where Ritter died on September 11, 2003. Ritter’s survivors brought a lawsuit against the hospital for wrongful death. As a young kid I was highly entertained by Ritter when he played Jack Tripper on the […]