Category: Slip and Fall Accidents

Many businesses fail to adequately protects its customers from slipping and falling on their premises. In fact, OSHA recently gave 6,000 citations to businesses for not complying with fall protection standards. Supermarkets are a common place for slips and falls. If you suffered one of these accidents, it is important to take certain steps.  I am a […]

As a Massachusetts slip and fall attorney it is common to have a client who is partly at fault for the accident. However, even if the client is partly at fault, he/she may still bring a claim. As long as you were not more than 50% at-fault for the accident, you can still recover damages from […]

Mediation of slip and fall claims provides a good forum for settlement. Often the attorney representing the accident/injury victim is unable to settle a personal injury claim with an insurance company. Often, it is mediation that provides an attractive option for both the claimant and the insurer. Here are some reasons why mediation can sometimes be a […]

Generally, you have three years from the date of the accident to bring a lawsuit in Massachusetts for injuries sustained in a slip and fall, or trip and fall accident. There are exceptions however, such as a two year statute of limitations for claims stemming from injuries on MBTA property. Also, if you live in […]

The success of slip and fall cases in Massachusetts hinge on the element of “notice.” Property owners in Massachusetts are required to keep their property in a reasonably safe condition free from defects. These owners must take reasonable measures to insure their property is safe for those lawfully on the property. In order to establish negligence […]

A torn meniscus is a very common, painful and debilitating injury that often occurs from slip and fall accidents. It can be caused by a number of factors. Often, a personal injury accident can cause this type of injury. When that happens, the medical bills and lost time from work can be formidable. Since so many people suffer from […]

If your Massachusetts slip and fall, or trip and fall claim has been denied by an insurance company, you (if you are representing yourself pro se), or your Massachusetts lawyer may need to file a lawsuit. By filing a lawsuit, you have declared to the insurance company that you are willing to try your case. At that […]

Maybe. In Massachusetts, you cannot sue your employer if you slipped and fell and injured yourself at work. But, you can however make a claim for Massachusetts workers compensation benefits with your employer’s insurance company. However, if your slip and fall accident was caused by the negligence of someone other than your employer, than you may be able to sue […]

Here is a primer from on this very topic: “The demand letter is the centerpiece of the insurance claim negotiation process. In it, you set out to the insurance company your strongest arguments concerning: what your injuries were and are why the other person is legally responsible for your injuries what your medical treatment […]

I found the following over at and wanted to share it with my readers: Slip and Fall Accident Stats According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over one million Americans suffer a slip, trip, and fall injury and over 17, 000 people die in the U.S. annually because of these injuries. Slip, trip and […]