Category: Slip and Fall Accidents

Each and every day people in Massachusetts sustain personal injuries after experiencing a trip and fall or slip and fall accident. The law in Massachusetts that governs these accidents is commonly referred to as premises liability. The key is to show negligence on the part of the property owner in these cases. This can be done by showing […]

Slip and fall accidents in Massachusetts are some of the toughest personal injury claims to win. The reason is that often the accident is solely the fault of the person who slipped and fell. But, of course, many times it is the property owner of the premises who is totally, or at least partially at […]

Massachusetts slip and fall cases are tough to prevail on. This is often due to the fact that the victim is often blamed for the accident. The attorney must establish that that is not the case, or must at least establish that the accident was the fault of a third-party as well. That third-third party is in these […]

Due to old and uneven sidewalks and streets, and often snowy and icy winter conditions, there is a high incidence of slip and fall and trip and fall accidents in Boston. These accidents can cause very serious injuries. Unfortunately, these claims are difficult for two reasons. First, you must generally put the City of Boston […]

Many people are injured in Massachusetts slip and fall accidents. These accidents can include slips and falls on ice and snow, on slick substances, spills, etc. The question often posed is can a trespasser injured in a Massachusetts slip and fall accident recover? The answer is that the trespasser usually cannot recover. But there is […]

In Massachusetts, if you have been involved in an automobile accident your medical bills (up to $8000.00), and your lost wages (up to 75%), will be paid by your automobile insurance carrier. But, for those involved in Massachusetts slip and fall accidents, who do not have health insurance, medical bills will be left unpaid. The […]

Slip and fall accidents can occur in a wide variety of contexts. These accidents can happen on ice and snow, from slippery substances, etc. Slips and falls cause very serious, and sometimes deadly injuries to people. I found the following from Anti-Slip Alberta which presents some chilling facts regarding slip and fall accidents and the […]