Category: Trucking Accidents

Hit and run automobile accidents occur each and every day in Massachusetts.  Nationally it is shocking just how often hit and run accidents occur. A hit and run accident is one in which the driver(s) that caused a car accident cannot be unidentified. If you are the victim of a “hit and run,” you may be concerned about how your […]

According to USA Today roughly 19 million visitors pass through Boston each year. It is no surprise given all that Boston has to offer. With such a huge number of visitors, it is no wonder that many are injured. Many visitors are injured in car accidents, slip and falls, and other types of accident cases. Visitors […]

The aftermath of an auto accident, slip and fall, injury at work, or any other injury causing event can cause great stress to not only the injury victim, but also to his or her family. Oftentimes, the experience of going through the personal injury claim process can be just as anguishing as the personal injury event that lead […]

If you were involved in a car crash in Massachusetts, the insurance company that insures the car you were in at the time of the accident will pay for your lost wages. The lost wage claim is part of your PIP (Personal Injury Protection), first-party claim with the insurance company. This is part of the no-fault […]

If you were involved in a car crash in Massachusetts, the insurance company that insures the car you were in at the time of the accident will pay for your lost wages. The lost wage claim is part of your PIP (Personal Injury Protection), first-party claim with the insurance company. This is part of the no-fault insurance system that we […]

As mentioned on an earlier post, if you have been involved in an auto accident in Massachusetts, your insurance carrier will pay the first $2000.00 in medical bills you incur as a result of the accident. You may have to go to an Independent Medical Examination (IME) before your carrier pays for your medical bills, […]

I found this post over at San Francisco Mediation: A Better Solution authored by San Francisco Attorney Paula M. Lawhon that caught my attention because of its informative analysis of mediation in the context of a personal injury case. It deftly chronicles the mediation process from start to finish. If you will soon be involved in a mediation, irrespective of the […]

Many times people are injured in motor vehicle accidents and other accidents as a result of someone who, at the time of the accident, was working for his/her employer. But can you sue the employer if the employee causes your injuries? Well, that depends. What needs to be shown is that the employee who caused […]

Through the years I have noticed there are some common questions that most clients ask at the beginning of their case. Here are some answers to these common questions, which hopefully are of assistance to you if you have been injured by the fault of someone else: Do I have a case? This depends on […]

Here are some things to do (and things to avoid) following an auto accident in Massachusetts: Call the police; Tell the police officer(s) exactly how the accident occurred; Be careful what you say to the other driver; keep things to an absolute minimum; If you have a camera in your car, photograph the accident scene […]