Category: Trucking Accidents

According to USA Today roughly 19 million visitors pass through Boston each year. It is no surprise given all that Boston has to offer. With such a huge number of visitors, it is no wonder that many are injured. Many visitors are injured in car accidents, slip and falls, and other types of accident cases. Visitors […]

Those who have been injured by the negligence of someone else often lose time from work, rack up medical bills, and suffer a host of other problems. Getting a damaged car fixed, going to medical appointments, dealing with insurance companies, all take time and aggravation. That is the bad news. The good news is that […]

Here is an informative article I found over at on when, and when not to, hire a personal injury lawyer. The article does a good job of dealing with this issue that concerns injury victims each and every day. If someone carelessly injured you and you are unsure whether or not to get a lawyer, at least consult […]

No, you can get treatment (chiropractor, physical therapy, hospital) whenever you want to following an auto accident in Massachusetts. But, it is wise to get treatment as soon as the pain, soreness and tightness (common symptoms of sprains and strains) begins. The main reason you should not wait is your body needs medical attention as […]

It compensates for the medical treatment the injury victim had to endure; It covers the medical bills and liens that must be paid out of the settlement; It adequately compensates injury victim for lost wages, and if applicable, future lost wages or impairment of earning capacity; It fairly compensates for the physical pain and suffering […]

I found this post over at the Texas Injury Law Blog and I decided to share it with my readers here in Massachusetts, since we are scheduled to get a blizzard this coming weekend. Here is the post: Winter weather can pose serious dangers to travelers. Snow and sleet decrease visibility, and slick, icy roads […]

Some cases settle relatively quickly, while some take years to settle. Oftentimes, there is no settlement at all after years of litigation and the case must be decided in court by either a judge or jury. The bottom line: there is no way to predict how long your case will take to resolve, assuming it […]

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident in Massachusetts by a negligently operated vehicle, you will need to know a few things. It is the operator’s insurance company that is responsible for paying for your “reasonable and necessary” medical expenses. They will also pay 75% of any lost wages you sustain as a result […]

In Massachusetts, if you were driving as part of your job and were injured in an auto accident, you could not sue your employer for your injuries. What you could do is file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits with your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier. If, however, you are less than 50% at-fault for […]

Yes. If a minor is injured in an accident and has a valid personal injury claim, it is the usually the mother or father of the minor that is the one bringing the claim. I represent minors who have been injured in accidents and when I meet with them for the first time, it is […]