Category: Trucking Accidents

The short answer: it depends if you want it to or not. Most cases involving personal injury such as motor vehicle auto accidents are resolved before trial. The reason most cases settle before trial is that jury, as well as bench trials (a judge decides the case outcome), are so uncertain. Their outcomes are so […]

Colleague and fellow personal injury lawyer Ronald Miller has an informative post over at his Maryland Injury Lawyer Blog concerning truck accident verdicts. Be sure to check out this very interesting blog. Here is part of the post: A recent Jury Verdict Research study revealed some interesting settlement and verdict data regarding truck accident cases. The most frequently cited injury […]

Tractor trailer accidents often involve multiple vehicles, and can cause very serious personal injuries, as well as death. With the high number of tractor trailer accidents occurring on Massachusetts roadways each year, I thought it would be useful to share some important information. To that end I provide a link to a great article entitled […]

A Washington family settled with a Spokane trucking company for 15.6 million dollars stemming from a catastrophic 2001 trucking accident. Click here for a link to the full article provided by