Category: Workers’ Compensation

Sadly in Haverhill on Tuesday, a Massachusetts worker fell to his death down an elevator shaft. The decedent was 41-years old and working on a construction site at the time of his death. Massachusetts State Police and OSHA are now investigating the incident. In a situation such as this one, there is for the estate a workers’ compensation claim to […]

Can I get pain and suffering from a Massachusetts work accident?

Massachusetts workers’ compensation law is a set of laws that is essentially a trade off. Workers that got hurt on the job in Massachusetts do not need need to prove that they were not at fault for the accident. So, if the employee is responsible for the accident, they can still file for and receive workers’ comp […]

Common types of Boston workers compensation accidents

Through years of handling injury cases in Boston I have seen some common types of workers’ compensation cases. Although workers can be injured at work in a multitude of ways, there are some common situations that give rise to work injuries. Here are some of them: Car Accidents Many people are required to drive as part of […]

Common workers' compensation claim mistakes

Many that are injured at work in Massachusetts are not familiar with the workers’ compensation claim process. This can result in the injured worker unwittingly making mistakes with the claim that can greatly impact the benefits the worker can collect. Here are some common workers’ compensation claim mistakes to avoid. Not Reporting The Accident The first […]

How do I file for workers' compensation?

Injured workers are eligible for workers’ comp benefits. As long as the injured worker is an employee (and not an independent contractor), and acting in the course and scope of employment, then workers’ compensation coverage is triggered. All employers in Massachusetts must carry this insurance coverage. Failure to do so can result in very stiff legal […]

How much will my workers' compensation case settle for?

If an injured worker is receiving workers’ compensation benefits, sometimes it makes sense to settle the case. For some cases, settlement makes sense in order to avoid the risk of having a judge at the Department of Industrial Accidents order an insurance company to reduce, or even stop, ones benefits. Unlike car accident and other personal injury cases that deal with […]

Workers' compensation and construction accidents

Workers’ Compensation and Construction Accidents It is no secret that workers in the construction industry are constantly exposed to daily risks of injury.  In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, every construction worker will at one point in their career experience a work-related injury. Any construction worker that is injured at work should […]

What happens after an accident at work?

For many people that experience an on-the-job injury, the process can be very confusing. Suddenly you are going to medical appointments, missing work, dealing with insurance companies, as well as dealing with your painful injuries. Here is some general workers’ compensation information you likely will need as you go through this process. The Reporting Stage If […]

Workers compensation benefits pay injured weekly benefits while they are out of work. These benefits also pay for medical bills stemming from the industrial accident. In order for workers’ compensation medical bills to be paid, utilization review is the process that must be followed. Utilization review is followed by all workers comp insurance companies in Massachusetts. It […]

what is a Massachusetts workers' compensation hearing?

All disputes between injured workers and workers’ compensation insurance companies are handled at the Department of Industrial Accidents. This is an administrative law court solely dedicated to workers’ compensation dispute resolution. There are a few different stages of this process. I have written before about the first and second steps of this process which are, […]