Category: Workers’ Compensation

Injured workers call our workers’ compensation law office every day looking for legal help. They are confused and unsure what they are supposed to do. They are unsure what their workers’ compensation rights actually are. Don’t trust a workers’ compensation insurance company to do the right thing by you. Usually, injured employees call us because the insurance […]

Massachusetts workers' compensation settlements

Most workers compensation cases in Massachusetts settle. Sometimes they settle before a claim is filed at the Department of Industrial Accidents, and sometimes they settle after a claim is filed. If you are out of work and collecting your weekly workers comp benefit checks, it may make sense to settle your case. Here is some information […]

Massachusetts workers' compensation faqs

As part of my workers’ comp practice in Boston, I come across some common questions from clients. While there are many, many questions that can arise out of a work injury, I attempt below to offer some answers below to some questions we receive from time to time. Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation If I Receive […]

Accidents at work happen much too frequently. Shockingly, in the United States, every 7 seconds a worker is injured on-the-job. If you are one of these unlucky victims, knowing what to do after the accident is vital. Taking the right steps means you won’t be losing out on any benefits you are entitled to. Here are some important […]

Many injured workers in Massachusetts may have heard of, but are not exactly clear, as to what workers’ compensation actually is. As a Boston workers’ comp lawyer, many of my clients injured on the job don’t know what they are entitled to, or what the process is that awaits them. They often ask me “What […]

Massachusetts workers' compensation lawyer

Massachusetts workers’ compensation law can be a confusing topic. If you were hurt at work, understanding workers’ compensation is very important. That is because if you don’t know what rights you have, you won’t know rights you can potentially lose. As a Massachusetts workers’ compensation lawyer, I help you to protect and maximize all the rights you are […]

Massachusetts workers' compensation settlements

For those unfamiliar with the process, a Massachusetts workers’ compensation claim can be very confusing. You likely have many questions. A familiar question is: Will my case settle? How much will it settle for? How does the case settle? As a Massachusetts workers compensation law firm, we get asked these questions quite a bit. Many […]

slipping on banana peel

As a Boston workers’ comp lawyer for slips and falls, I frequently have clients that slip and fall while working. If you find yourself in this situation, understanding your rights and the compensation you may be entitled to is essential. Slips and falls are one of the most common types of workers’ compensation claims. In Massachusetts, you cannot sue your […]

Boston Work Injury Attorney

As a Boston work injury attorney, I frequently handle worker’s compensation cases that also involve Massachusetts third-party liability claims. Under Massachusetts workers’ compensation law, you cannot sue your employer for workers’ comp injuries. What you can do is file a claim for Massachusetts workers’ compensation benefits with the workers’ comp insurance company. However, if your work accident was […]

worker carrying wood

Roughly 3.5% of the US workforce will sustain an injury on the job in a given year. The accidents that cause these injuries are quite varied. Also, some lines of work see a higher incidence of on-the-job injuries than others. As a Boston workers’ compensation attorney, Christopher Earley represent clients injured on the job. Common workers’ compensation injuries: Strains […]