Archives: FAQs

Hire us. We handle all Massachusetts dog bite cases and we will travel to you if that is more convenient.

It always make sense to have representation. The insurance company will only offer you a full and fair settlement when you have a qualified Massachusetts dog bite lawyer on your side.

Regardless if you own or rent your home, be sure to carry liability insurance. This will cover you in the event your dog bites someone. Be sure to always do your best to prevent your dog from biting someone.

This depends on a few different factors. Since liability is generally automatic with these cases, the real issues that influence a settlement are just how bad your injuries are following the attack, and whether they are permanent. Also, if there was any mental distress or PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) suffered, that too is factored into […]

If you are completely unable to work you may be entitled to total disability benefits. These benefits are 60% of your gross weekly wages. If you have some work capacity and can partially perform your job duties, then you may collect partial disability benefits equal to 75% of your total disability rate. Boston workers compensation […]

Fees for Massachusetts workers compensation lawyers are set by law. If a claim is denied and we are successful in getting you workers compensation benefits, the insurance company pays us. If a lump sum is reached, the attorney’s fee is either 15% or 20% of the settlement, depending on the terms of the settlement.

You generally in Massachusetts are prohibited from suing your employer for a workers’ compensation accident.

These benefits are paid by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company. The employer’s premiums to its insurance company provides these benefits to injured workers.

Some benefits include payment for medical bills as well as weekly payments for missed time from work, due to the work injury.

All employers in Massachusetts must have workers’ comp I insurance. If there is no insurance, the injured worker must file a claim with the Trust Fund found at the Department of Industrial Accidents.