Archives: FAQs

If you don’t know of any friends or family members that have a recommendation for a personal injury accident attorney, the internet is a great place to start to find an attorney. Websites such as Google and Avvo, are tremendous resources for reviewing attorneys, as well as reviewing reviews that have been left by an attorney’s […]

That is a loaded question because that really depends on a number of factors. Considerations such as liability, as well as the amount of medical bills, the extent of medical treatment, the amount, if any of lost wages, etc., all are considered in determining the value of a personal injury case. Each case, therefore, must […]

PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection. These are no-fault benefits that are available under the standard Massachusetts automobile insurance policy. PIP pays for medical bills even if one is responsible for causing a car accident. The PIP auto insurer will pay the first $2,000 in one’s medical bills. Any bills over $2,000 must be submitted to […]

If it’s a car accident claim, then lost wages can be paid through PIP coverage. If it’s any other type of accident case, the lost wages must be paid out to the victim out of the eventual settlement. If the claim is a Workers’ Compensation claim, then Workers’ Compensation will pay for the injured worker’s lost […]

Liability is a legal term for fault. Fault, in a context of a personal injury accident, can arise from a car accident, or a slip and fall, or any other type of injury-causing accident. For example, if one is driving a motor vehicle and rear-ends another vehicle, the vehicle that rear-ended the other vehicle would be […]

Premises liability cases are those in which someone is injured either at a house or a business. These cases generally turn on whether or not the property owner or the one in control of the premises acted reasonably in maintaining the premises. Common types of premises liability cases are slip and falls, trip and falls, […]

Yes. You may, at any time and for any reason, change attorneys during the life of a case. In fact, you don’t even need a reason to change lawyers. Massachusetts law allows injury victims to freely choose who represents he or she for a particular case, and there are no penalties for changing attorneys. However, your prior […]

Personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts, unfortunately, cannot take on every case that comes across his or her desk. Frequently, attorneys decline cases in which the injury victim may be considered to be at fault for causing the accident. Or even if the injury victim is not at all at fault for causing the accident, if […]

The vast majority of personal injury cases in Massachusetts settle without the necessity of a jury trial. Most cases, in fact, settle without the necessity of a lawsuit having to be filed. Even if a case does require the filing of a lawsuit, the overwhelming majority of litigation cases do settle prior to trial. Therefore, the chances […]

If your case does not resolve, then a trial will be necessary. This would be a jury trial overseen by a judge. You, more than likely, will, in fact, need to testify at your trial. What will happen is your attorney will put you on the witness stand for what is called direct examination. Following […]