Why won’t an attorney take my case?

Personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts, unfortunately, cannot take on every case that comes across his or her desk. Frequently, attorneys decline cases in which the injury victim may be considered to be at fault for causing the accident. Or even if the injury victim is not at all at fault for causing the accident, if he or she did not sustain any type of physical or mental injuries, then there would be no claim for compensation that may be pursued.

For car accident cases, if the injury victim is not considered to be at fault, but his or her medical bills do not exceed $2,000, then he or she will not have a claim for pain and suffering against the driver who caused the accident. The reason for that is that Massachusetts law requires that in order for one to recover a pain and suffering settlement arising from a car accident case, the victim’s medical bills must be at least $2,000. This $2,000 amount encompasses any and all bills that are necessary, reasonable, and related to the initial accident.