Florida May Eliminate Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Benefits for Auto Accident Victims

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If you were injured in a Massachusetts car accident, you will probably get a call and/or a letter from the insurance company that insures the person(s) that caused your injuries. This also happens with other accident cases such as slips and falls, etc. The insurance adjuster may tell you that your injuries are not severe, and that […]

Yes, it is nearly summer again in New England. With Memorial Day fast approaching, that means pools will be opened. That also means that pool accidents will occur. Whether it be drowning, or improperly diving into a pool, these accidents cause very serious and fatal injuries. I found this post over at Brain Injury News and Information Blog […]

In the state of Massachusetts, many people each and every year claim to have been the victim of medical negligence. And many people are in fact injured as a result of medical negligence. But, it is tough, real tough, to win such cases in Massachusetts. It is widely believed that only one out of ten medical malpractice cases […]

I always tell new and existing clients that slip and fall cases are tough to win in Massachusetts. Often, an insurance company will deny a slip and fall claim because it feels that the victim caused the accident, and was alone responsible for the loss. In that case you need to file a lawsuit, but even then things […]

Massachusetts courts do not allow for emotional distress damages to be awarded due to the death of an animal. Therefore, if someone negligently and/or intentionally injures your animal, and you suffer emotional and mental injuries as a result, you will not be able to sue the person who injured your animal. Here is an interesting story […]

If your Massachusetts personal injury claim does not settle, then your attorney will have to file a lawsuit. One stage of a lawsuit is discovery. Written discovery consists of interrogatories, requests for production of documents and requests for admissions. There is also oral discovery that is elicited through depositions. Discovery is a process that should really be […]

If a Massachusetts motorist fails to properly maintain his vehicle – by driving with old brakes or broken tail lights, etc. – and that driver causes a Massachusetts auto accident, that driver may be found to be negligent per se. Negligence per se means  that one has failed to comply with a statute or regulation […]

This is a rather unusual case. A Texas woman died after she allegedly developed a staff infection following a pedicure she received at a salon. The woman died of a heart attack which her estate claims was caused by the staff infection. The estate in suing the salon for wrongful death. This is a case which highlights the […]

Mesothelioma has in recent years been gaining a large amount of attention. I think it is important for my readers to be familiar with mesothelioma because it can cause extremely serious personal injuries. But what is mesothelioma? I found the following on The Asbestos Facts Blog which explains: Mesothelioma is a cancer of the cells that make up the lining […]

Massachusetts personal injury protection (PIP) provides that regardless of who was at fault, those injured in a Massachusetts motor vehicle accident are entitled to have a portion of their medical expenses and lost wages paid. It is the insurance industry that pays these bills, and they have been trying to push legislation which would eliminate […]