Reducing the Number of Dog Bites in Massachusetts

If the parties involved in a Massachusetts injury claim have reached an impasse, mediation can oftentimes help to achieve resolution. But, mediation only really works if the parties are willing to make it work. If the parties to the dispute are unreasonable in their expectations, or, are unwilling to compromise their differences, mediation is probably […]

Massachusetts auto accidents occur with alarming frequency. With the sweltering summer temperatures fast approaching, it is important to realize that higher roadway surface temperatures mean increased tire blowouts. Here is a post provided by Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer Randall S. Udelman on this very topic: In the summer months, check the tire pressure in your cars or trucks as […]

I thought it would be nice to dedicate my 240th post on this blog to something other than Massachusetts personal injury law, especially given the fact that a very important holiday is fast approaching. A fellow blogger, Grant Griffiths, a Kansas family law attorney, has a great post on his Kansas Family Law Blog about […]

The May 11th edition of the New England Journal of Medicine featured a story that refutes the popular belief that many medical malpractice claims are frivolous and without merit. This article perhaps vindicates many medical malpractice attorneys across the US and their efforts to advance meritorious claims on behalf of the victims of medical malpractice. […]

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution. What that means is that it offers an alternative, outside of court, to resolve a dispute. Increasingly in recent years, arbitration has gained favor as a tool to resolve Massachusetts personal injury claims. Arbitration is a voluntary and mutual decision that is reached by a personal injury claimant and […]

There is a new personal injury blog, the Maryland Personal Injury Blog, authored by Maryland personal injury attorney Ronald V. Miller. Attorney Miller has a great post on his blog about recent trucking accident jury verdicts. Here is the post: A recent Jury Verdict Research nationwide study looked at truck accidents from 1996 to 2005 found that the […]

Massachusetts insurance companies hire people to photograph vehicle damage following a motor vehicle accident. These photographers are skilled at taking photographs from angles which downplay the actual damage sustained to the vehicle. It is for that reason that you need to know how to properly photograph your vehicle after your accident. Here is a great article filled […]

After a Massachusetts personal injury accident, you may experience financial woes. For example, perhaps you are unable to work following the accident, but medical bills from your medical treatment keep piling up.  This is common following not only Massachusetts auto accidents, but also Massachusetts slip and fall accidents, and nearly all other accidents under the sun. […]

After you have concluded your medical treatment following your Massachusetts car accident, slip and fall, dog bite, or whatever type of accident you were involved in, your lawyer will attempt to settle your injury claim with the insurance company. If your Massachusetts personal injury lawyer is unable to settle your Massachusetts injury claim, then he/she will […]

The week of May 21 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week. As many people know, USPS letter carriers are often the victims of dog bites. The Tewksbury Advocate has a good article today about how the USPS is encouraging dog owners to use their best efforts in preventing their dogs from attacking USPS letter carriers during […]