Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Accidents and Lack of Insurance

Here is a rather interesting post from The Total Injury Blog about a recent case out of Illinois where a woman sustained personal injuries due to alleged bed bug bites: “A Chicago couple has filed a $20 million law suit against a Catskills resort where the woman sustained nearly 500 bed bug bites. Although bed […]

Massachusetts of course requires all motorists in the Commonwealth to carry automobile insurance. Here are some pointers, provided by on how you can save on your auto insurance: Specific ways to save money on auto insurance: Shop around. One of your first steps should be to shop around. A particularly good time to investigate your […]

Following your Massachusetts personal injury accident, you will at some point be contacted by an insurance adjuster. You therefore have to know a little about insurance adjusters, and what they are paid to do. Even if you have a Massachusetts personal injury lawyer already handling your claim for you, it is still important for you […]

The practice of nursing home abuse in Massachusetts is rampant. I find this to be a wretched and deplorable fact. I feel it is important to inform people about how to avoid being the victim, or having a loved one be the victim of nursing home abuse. To that end, I provide a link to […]

Many interested parties push for tort reform, as they feel that juries are awarding too much in compensatory and punitive damages to injury victims. Many people perceive injury victims who try to obtain fair and reasonable compensation for their injuries to be pitiful or pathetic money-chasers. The McDonald’s spilled coffee from the early 1990’s seemed to […]

To follow-up on the previous post which dealt with the elusive job of valuing a Massachusetts slip and fall accident, let us now, in the same spirit, turn out attention to the probable value of a car accident claim. Here is a “discussion” provided by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly of six experienced Massachusetts personal injury lawyers discussing […]

It is very hard to answer this question when the client first walks in the door. When things become clearer, i.e. nature of injuries, extent of injuries, permanency of injuries and amount of lost wages are determined, then the lawyer can give the client an idea of what the slip and fall case may be […]

I found the following post over at the Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyers Blog which I think helps to further one of the objectives of this blog: to inform people how insurance companies handle personal injury cases. Here is the post: “Readers know what insurance companies want, as if insurers’ Katrina issues weren’t enough, and now comes a new book […]

Unfortunately, Massachusetts personal injury lawyers, like all lawyers, make mistakes. After all, lawyers are human. Sometimes, however, these mistakes are irreversible. For example, many personal injury lawyers fail to file a Complaint for a client in a personal injury case within the Statute of Limitations. If you (if you are representing yourself), or your attorney, does […]

Unfortunately, many times following a Massachusetts auto accident, there is not enough insurance coverage available. The victims of auto accidents need to be adequately compensated for their medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Since so many Massachusetts automobile operators do not carry more than the minimum required $20k/$40k in liability coverage, you would be wise […]