Massachusetts Personal Injury Cases in Small Claims Court

After you have been involved in a Massachusetts car accident, slip and fall accident, dog bite, or any other kind of accident, you will invariably have to negotiate your claim with an insurance adjuster (assuming you are handling your claim without a Massachusetts personal injury lawyer). Adjusters are not your friends but your enemies. They are paid […]

Due to old and uneven sidewalks and streets, and often snowy and icy winter conditions, there is a high incidence of slip and fall and trip and fall accidents in Boston. These accidents can cause very serious injuries. Unfortunately, these claims are difficult for two reasons. First, you must generally put the City of Boston […]

Mediation provides a good forum for resolving Massachusetts personal injury disputes. Often the attorney representing the accident/injury victim is unable to settle a personal injury claim with the insurance company. The attorney at that point may institute litigation. But litigation is adversarial, costly, takes too much time, and is entirely unpredictable. Often, it is mediation that provides a better […]

During my initial meeting with accident victims, many of them ask me how much monetary compensation they will recover for their Massachusetts personal injury claim. I tell them the same thing every time: I have no idea. That is because until you conclude your medical treatment following your Massachusetts car accident, slip and fall accident, or […]

Personal injury accidents often involve minors. Generally (with a few exceptions), a Massachusetts injury victim has three years from the date of the accident to file a claim for his injuries. But with minors, that rule is tweaked a little bit. For example, if a 16 year-old is involved in a Massachusetts car accident, or a […]

With the high prevalence of dog bites in Massachusetts, it is important for you to know how best to prevent dog bites and dog attacks. This is a chilling fact: the majority of dog bite cases involve children. I found the following on which does a good job of telling you how to avoid […]

Massachusetts pedestrian accidents can cause very serious injuries to victims of such accidents. Injuries can include personal injury damage to soft tissue, fractures, disfigurement, significant head trauma, and even death. As a Massachusetts pedestrian accidents lawyer I have seen through the years too many pedestrians hit due to negligence of motor vehicle operators. These accidents happen in many different […]

Anyone that lives in Boston or works in Boston knows that traffic can be a nightmare. Thought I would share this from which lists the ten most traffic congested American cities: Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Denver, CO Miami, FL Phoenix, AZ Chicago, IL San Jose, CA Washington, DC Portland, OR Boston, MA

The United States Supreme Court recently ruled that the U.S. Postal Service is not immune from suit by a woman who opened her door and tripped and fell over her mail that had been placed in her doorway by a postal carrier. The U.S.P.S. argued that it was immune from lawsuits according to a federal […]

If you have been involved in a Massachusetts auto accident, Massachusetts slip and fall accident, or any other type of accident, you can sue the party or parties that were responsible for your injuries. If your case is very small, you may be better off handling it without an attorney. If you do represent yourself, […]