Boston Among Leading Cities For Staged Auto Accidents

If you were working at the time of your Massachusetts accident you may be entitled to Massachusetts workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits will pay for your missed time from work, as well as your medical bills. For example, if you were injured in a Massachusetts slip and fall accident or an automobile accident, and the […]

If your Massachusetts personal injury lawyer is unable to settle your personal injury claim, he/she will have to file suit against the party that caused your injuries. That means that your personal injury claim will be litigated.  Litigation costs are very expensive for many different reasons. One of those reasons is that your lawyer will […]

Passengers are injured each and every day in Massachusetts automobile accidents. Obviously, if someone is a passenger in a vehicle, they can not be imputed with fault for the accident. Well, although this is true, many passengers involved in Massachusetts auto accidents have trouble collecting money for their personal injuries. The reason for this is […]

Many times insurance companies will deny a bodily injury claim brought by the victim of a Massachusetts rear-end automobile accident. I see this all the time as a Massachusetts rear end car accident lawyer  But rear-end motor vehicle accidents, are, for obvious reasons, usually the fault of the driver who hit the car in front of him/her. But, […]

In Massachusetts, if you have been involved in an automobile accident your medical bills (up to $8000.00), and your lost wages (up to 75%), will be paid by your automobile insurance carrier. But, for those involved in Massachusetts slip and fall accidents, who do not have health insurance, medical bills will be left unpaid. The […]

Whether you have been involved in a Massachusetts automobile accident, slip and fall, dog bite, or any other kind of accident, call the police! The purpose of having the police arrive at the accident scene is to insure there is an objective report of the accident. The Massachusetts police report will name the parties involved, […]

It is often said that Massachusetts insurance companies have in recent years become cheaper in terms of the money they are offering to settle personal injury claims. One of the reasons for this is that the larger “mill” type Massachusetts personal injury law firms handle such a high volume of cases each year, that they […]

Massachusetts insurance companies are under strict statutory mandates to handle your personal injury claim “reasonably.” The primary statute which governs the conduct of Massachusetts insurance companies, and their handling of Massachusetts personal injury claims, is M.G.L. c. 176D. Whether you have a claim stemming from a Massachusetts motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, dog bite, […]

In recent months there has been much talk about limiting the damages that asbestos victims may recover. This only serves to further insulate culpable wrongdoers from the huge financial exposure they rightfully face. This ultimately results in diminished relief for asbestos victims. The following was provided by the April 2006 edition of the American Trial Lawyers […]

Attorney Tiffany Sanders, over at the Total Injury Blog, has a great post today regarding cities in the U.S. that have the highest occurrence of staged automobile accidents. As attorney Sanders points out, the more staged accidents there are, the more that innocent injury victims suffer. That is because the insurance companies become more and more […]