Stages of a Massachusetts Personal Injury Trial

As discussed before on this Blog, if you are a Massachusetts driver and you have been involved in a Massachusetts car accident, your auto insurance carrier is required to pay up to $80000.00 of your “reasonable” medical bills and expenses. However, your auto insurance carrier may also require you, per the terms and provisions of […]

In my personal injury practice it seems that insurance adjusters, more so than in other claims, always try to pin fault on the person bringing the slip and fall claim. As a Massachusetts slip and fall claims lawyer, I have successfully handled many of these cases. The adjuster will argue that you should have seen […]

Many, if not most of my clients who have been injured in a Massachusetts accident suffer from neck and back stains/sprains. This is especially true in auto accident victims. Almost all insurance companies will tell you that neck and back strains/sprains are not serious injuries. That is rubbish! In fact, strains and sprains, depending on their severity, what […]

Whether you are handling your Massachusetts personal injury claim by yourself, or with the assistance of an attorney, it is important for you to understand the roles and duties of the insurance adjuster. The universe of Massachusetts personal injury law largely revolves around the claims adjuster. Adjusters handle all types of both personal injury and […]

Many people who have been involved in a Massachusetts motor vehicle accident suffer from “whiplash.” “Whiplash” can occur from even a low-impact motor vehicle collision. “Whipash” is a very serious injury and I think it is important for my readers to know just how serious it can be to the body. To that end, I […]

Massachusetts products liability law is a branch of tort law. Like negligence, products liability is an area of law that requires people and manufactures to exercise caution and conduct themselves reasonably in our society. In the case of products liability, the focus is on the manufacturer and the product(s) that manufacturer introduces into the marketplace. […]

If your Massachusetts personal injury lawyer is unable to settle your personal injury claim with the relevant insurance company, then he/she is going to have to sue the person who caused your injuries, and the insurance company that insurers that person. Sometimes after suit is filed but before depositions are taken, your Massachusetts personal injury […]

The construction industry, with the attendant dangers that face all workers in this industry, sees a large number of accidents each and every year. Many of these construction accidents can lead to serious and permanent personal injuries, and even fatal injuries. I found the following chilling construction industry facts and statistics on attorney William F. Conour’s […]

Many times Massachusetts insurance companies refuse to pay on a bodily injury claim because they do not believe that the claimant truly sustained injuries. I see many low-impact, motor vehicle accident claims denied – even where liability has been established – because the relevant insurance company does not believe the claimant was injured. What claims adjusters […]

Fortunately, most Massachusetts personal injury claims settle with the the relevant insurance company outside of court. However, for many different reasons, there are claims that are not settled. When that happens, it is necessary for your Massachusetts personal injury lawyer to commence litigation against the individual that caused your injuries, and the insurance company that […]