Another Useful Dog Bite Site

You may recall last week that I posted an article on this blog regarding the new Massachusetts law which requires all Massachusetts homeowners to have carbon monoxide detectors installed on each and every level of their respective home. That new law took effect today. The impetus for this new Massachusetts law was the tragic death […]

Many Massachusetts homeowners are unclear about what and to what extent they are covered under their homeowners insurance policy. It is important for all Massachusetts homeowners to be clear about their coverages. Some common questions homeowners typically have are: Can my insurance company cancel my policy? Does my homeowners policy cover……? What are the responsibilities […]

On March 30, Florida took one step closer to enacting legislation that will severely handicap the rights of injury victims. The bill, H.B. 145, now awaiting Governor Jeb Bush’ s approval, will significantly curtail the rights of personal injury victims in Florida to sue multiple defendants for causing their injuries. If the bill becomes law, […]

Michael V. Kaplen, a personal injury lawyer in Manhattan who writes the Brain Injury News and Information Blog, posted an article today on his blog about a former train conductor who reached a settlement with his former employer stemming from a train crash that occurred outside of Los Angeles, Ca. The reported amount of the […]

The Roman Catholic church continues to get slammed with more and more sex abuse claims. It has recently been reported that in 2005 there were 783 new sex abuse claims filed against the Church. Although numbers indicate that the number of claims has been diminishing, it appears the amount of settlement monies paid by the […]

Once again the insurance industry is cutting back on the types of dogs it agrees to insure. According to the Insurance Information Institute, dog bite claims cost the insurance industry around $300 million dollars annually. As such, dog bite claims are costing the insurance company big money and now they are trying to prevent further […]

I thought I would change things up a bit and feature a ‘Blog of the Day.’ Today’s featured blog comes courtesy of Allison C. Shields, Esq., a New York lawyer who is the President of Legal Ease Consulting, Inc. This Company focuses its efforts on helping law firms increase their client base, as well as […]

For those people injured in minor accidents in Massachusetts, i.e., low medical bills and small damages, I would highly suggest Nolo’s “How To Win Your Personal Injury Claim” written by Attorney Joseph L. Matthews. If you are representing yourself in connection with your injury claim, this book can possibly assist you, assuming the case is a […]

My friend and colleague, Grant Griffiths, Esq., a Kansas family lawyer who authors one of the most comprehensive legal blogs on the Internet, Kansas Family Law Blog wrote about a huge legal decision that came down from the Supreme Judicial Court this morning. The decision bars non-residents from entering into same-sex marriages. Please click here […]

Following up on recent posts on this blog regarding dog bites in Massachusetts, I came across a website called which I thought did a good job of explaining how to prevent dog bites, and how to treat them after they do occur. Please click here for the link to the article.