Corporate Greed Leads to Tragic Auto Accident

I visited the Cincinnati Personal Injury Attorney Blog and I found a great post by Anthony Castelli. The post discussed how a family had been injured severely in an auto accident following a rear-end collision. The Anderson family was rear-ended by another vehicle on Christmas eve, 1993. Although is was a simple rear-end collision, the car the […]

Earlier this month advocates for those that have alleged sexual abuse on the part of the clergy espoused doing away with statutes of limitations defenses in these cases. These advocates assert that it can take decades for sexual abuse victims to muster the fortitude to come public with their allegations against the clergy. Sexual abuse […]

Personal injury attorneys who handle auto accident cases, slip and falls and dog bite cases almost always take these cases on a contingency fee basis. What that means is the attorney will be paid a percentage of any settlement or verdict amount that is ultimately obtained for the client(s). The attorney will usually take a percentage […]

Motorcycle operators usually have to be use greater caution than other operators on the road because of the increased risk for injury. To those motorcyclists who are concerned for promoting their individual safety on the road, I offer you the following resource: American Motorcyclist Association. I invite you to contact me if you have been […]

The Boston Globe reports today that Massachusetts lawmakers are close to passing a law which would raise the state driving age from 16 1/2 to 17 1/2. The reason for this change has been an increasing number of automobile accidents involving teenagers on Massachusetts roadways. Please click here for the full article.

The Boston Globe reports today that Mary Ellis, a Bridgewater, Ma resident, has learned that the Commerce Insurance Company will not insure her, under her homeowners policy, because her five huskies make her a risky customer. As discussed on former posts on this blog, dog bites/attacks occur with alarming frequency. As such, the insurance industry […]

I found today after doing a google search the Workers’ Comp Law Blog that is written by Ricky Bagolie, an attorney in New Jersey. I recommend you visit this blog should you have any questions about workers’ compensation law.

I found an interesting post on the Traumatic Brain Injury Blog written by Bruce H. Stern. The post concerns an Australian team of researches investigating the mild traumatic brain injuries that rugby players often sustain. Here is a link to the the brain injury blog.

The reports today that the Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (the highest court in Massachusetts) announced that for people who represent themselves in Massachusetts courts, a new handbook will be made available. According to the Chief Justice, the handbook will advise people on “courtroom demeanor, personnel and procedure.” I think this […]

A personal injury attorney practicing in Hartwich, Massachusetts was indicted Friday for stealing settlement monies from his clients. The attorney settled his clients personal injury claims without their permission, and cashed the settlement checks by endorsing both his name and the name of the client on the checks. The settlement checks that he unlawfully endorsed totaled around […]