The aftermath of an accident can be challenging. You may be racking up medical bills, lost wages, and other financial losses. Maybe you are receiving paperwork from an insurance company, and you don’t know what you are supposed to do. You don’t want to make any mistakes, but you have never been through this type […]
When To Call A Personal Injury Lawyer
When To Call A Personal Injury Lawyer
For many people that have been the innocent victims of a personal injury accident, they begin to think about hiring an attorney. Their friends or family may be telling them to “get a lawyer and sue.” But, many feel intimidated and nervous at the idea of meeting with a lawyer. Here is what you can […]
With any personal injury case in Massachusetts that goes into litigation, depositions are usually necessary. Basically, a deposition is a formal, recorded interview with the lawyer hired by the insurance company. Your Boston personal injury attorney can also take a deposition of anyone he chooses. If you have an upcoming deposition, regardless if your case involves a car […]
Following many car accidents the drivers involved try to point the finger at one another. They may claim the other driver failed to yield, failed to stop at a stop sign, or some other driver error occurred, such as driver distraction. They do this by telling the police officer that arrives on the scene that the other […]
It is true that many types of legal services can be quite expensive. Many lawyers charge hundreds of dollars per hour. Following an accident in which someone has been injures due to negligence, they may be concerned about the cost of hiring a personal injury lawyer. However, these types of cases do not require any upfront […]
Many times following an accident an attorney should be hired. That ensures the best possible outcome and settlement for a case. But there are also times when a personal injury lawyer is not needed. Here are some of those times. First, if negligence or liability cannot be proven then you don’t need a lawyer because you […]
There are many ways a lawyer can help you with a car crash case. Having legal representation on your side ensures you get the best possible outcome for your case. But, it is important to know too what a car accident lawyer can’t do for you. First, before an attorney can represent a car crash victim, […]
Personal injury events can cause a variety of possible injuries ranging from moderate, to severe, to even wrongful death. Scarring is an injury that arises frequently from accidents. They can be a permanent and lasting reminder of a painful event in one’s life. Scarring frequently can arise from car accidents. Oftentimes broken glass can cause facial […]
People experience slip and falls and trip and fall accidents in a variety of ways. They can be caused by a spilled liquid, a faulty rug or carpet, ice and snow, and countless other ways. Sometimes they are simply due to the carelessness or inattention of the injury victim. Other times it can be due […]
Nearly all personal injury cases in Massachusetts settle without the necessity of going to trial. When you have a personal injury attorney, part of his role is negotiating your accident claim with the insurance company. For example, if your claim stems from a car accident, once your medical treatment has ended, your attorney will put together and […]