When You Don’t Need A Lawyer For A Car Accident

Almost everyone at some point will unfortunately be involved in a car crash. Most times an attorney is needed in order for the crash victim’s right to be protected. But an attorney is not always needed. Here are some examples of situations when you don’t need a lawyer for a car accident. If you were […]

No one wants to think of their child being injured. As the father of two young children, I especially understand this sentiment. Unfortunately, negligence happens and children, just like adults, can be victims of personal injury. Children can be injured in a  variety of ways. They may be passengers in a vehicle involved in a motor vehicle […]

No one ever wants to be bitten by a dog. Man’s best friend provides loving companion ship. Sometimes, like animals, they can behave very unpredictably. If you have been the victim of one of these types of personal injury accidents, it is important to know what to do after a dog bite attack. Receive medical attention […]

Our client was injured when she slipped and fell at the property where she rents. The cause of the fall was ice. She sustained a fractured toe and needed to take an ambulance to the hospital. She eventually came under the care of an orthopedic doctor. She needed to use crutches and a boot. We brought a claim […]

The vast majority of Massachusetts personal injury cases, car accident cases, and workers’ compensation cases settle. Many people that have an open case understandably are curious on how to know if a settlement offer is fair. Here are some factors to consider. Any settlement (assuming liability is clear) should pay all of your medical bills. Whether […]

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you likely are searching the internet for the right lawyer. With so many to choose from, how do you select the right one? Here are some of the qualities to look for in a personal injury lawyer. Experience is essential. You want someone that has experience with cases just […]

Recently we were able to settle a case for the full policy limit for a client injured in a car accident. Our client, a minor, sustained extremely serious injuries. She was a passenger in the wreck. Her injuries were so severe that she needed to be mid-flighted to a hospital for immediate medical attention. The insurance […]

Sometimes people need to change lawyers. Regardless of the reason why, clients have the right to change lawyers whenever they want. There are different reasons to change personal injury lawyers. Here are some of them. Sometimes the reason a client switches to a different personal injury lawyer is because of poor communication on the part of […]

The list of possible injuries that are caused by negligence is a very long list. Whether it be an auto accident, premises liability accident, or other type of personal injury accident, injuries can range from mild to catastrophic injuries. Here are some of the most common types of personal injuries. Strains and sprains are probably the […]

People can become injured at work due to a variety of causes. Sometimes a work accident can result in personal injuries, medical bills and lost time from work, due to the negligence of a third-party. When that is the case, besides a workers comp claim, the injured worker may also pursue a third-party claim as well. […]