Boston Rollover Car Accident Lawyer

There are many car accidents in and around the Boston area each day. Once of the most serious car accident types are rollover accidents. These accidents are generally caused when motor vehicles are traveling at high speeds. Any accident which causes a car to rollover means there is likely very serious to the occupants of the […]

What Are Catastrophic Injuries? A catastrophic injury is a life- changing permanent injury that requires significant modifications of one’s daily activities. These injuries generate usually hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills, and extensive medical treatment. Sometimes multiple surgeries are needed. Almost always a long stay in a rehabilitation hospital is necessary. If the […]

It is no secret that car accidents in Boston are extremely common. A common example of these accidents are T-bone car accidents. These can arise in a variety of ways. As a Boston T-bone car accident lawyer, our law office can help if you’ve been injured in one of these accidents. What Are T-Bone Car […]

Nearly each and every car accident in Boston happens due to negligence. Negligence comes in many varieties, but frequently it is distraction that causes most car accidents. This is really unfortunate because these car accidents are entirely 100% preventable. Sadly, 9 people each day die as a result of distracted driving. There are different types […]

Distracted driving according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports roughly 3000 people were killed in 2017 due to distracted driving. Texting while driving is a form of distracted driving. This is a problem plaguing our communities and making roads more and more dangerous for innocent people. Since nearly everyone has a smart phone, […]

It is no secret that driving in Boston can be difficult. There are so many vehicles causing serious traffic each and every day. With more and more cars means generally more and more accidents. Here are types of common car accidents in Boston. Rear End Car Accidents This is probably the most common type of […]

Since the stakes are so high, it is vitally important to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer in Boston to handle any type of spinal injury case. That way you can obtain full and fair financial compensation for your spinal cord injury. Call the Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers today to get started.

Injuries to the ankle comprise a large portion of personal injury claims. An ankle injury can be brought on by multiple different causes. As a Boston ankle injury lawyer, I have represented many people who have suffered ankle injuries due to negligence. Common Ankle Injuries Sprains – This is the most common type of ankle injury. […]

Most personal injury accidents don’t result in substantial mental trauma. However, there are accidents that do leave lasting mental and psychological damage on a victim. PTSD can happen to someone that directly experiences trauma, but can also happen to anyone that witnesses someone else experience trauma. An example of such damage is post-traumatic stress disorder, […]

Few injuries are as devastating than a traumatic amputation injury. Sometimes the amputation is planned and has become necessary in a hospital operating room. Other times the amputation results from an an unexpected traumatic accident. The aftermath of losing a limb means learning how to live life without a fundamental, essential body part. This can be gut […]