Why Won’t Any Car Accident Attorneys Take My Case?

Why won't any car accident attorneys take my case?

If you’ve been involved in an accident you may be seeking legal representation. That is good because by having help on your side, your rights will be protected. Representation also will enable you to receive the best possible settlement. However, just because you had a crash does not mean an attorney will take on your […]

what should I do during my Massachusetts car accident case?

Auto accidents in the Commonwealth happen to almost everyone. Just about everyone who has been driving for a substantial period of time has caused an accident, or been the victim of an accident. If you have been been injured due to someone’s negligence, knowing what you should be doing during the case is important. Here are some things to keep […]

Workers' compensation and construction accidents

Workers’ Compensation and Construction Accidents It is no secret that workers in the construction industry are constantly exposed to daily risks of injury.  In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, every construction worker will at one point in their career experience a work-related injury. Any construction worker that is injured at work should […]

What happens after an accident at work?

For many people that experience an on-the-job injury, the process can be very confusing. Suddenly you are going to medical appointments, missing work, dealing with insurance companies, as well as dealing with your painful injuries. Here is some general workers’ compensation information you likely will need as you go through this process. The Reporting Stage If […]

what car accident damages can you collect?

Following your auto accident you likely have suffered damages. These are losses you sustained arising from the accident. Insurance company settlements are intended to reimburse you for all losses you experienced. These include both economic (medical bills; lost wages, etc.) and non-economic damages (pain and suffering). Here are some typical damages that can result from a Massachusetts car accident. […]

when your auto accident claim is denied

Car insurance companies, when presented with valid and legitimate car accident injury claims, often deny them. Frequently denials are issued when they should not be. Of course, some denials are based on legitimate reasons, but many are not. If your claim has been denied, it is important to know what you can do in response. Reasons […]

arbitration of Massachusetts car accident claims

Given the high number of Massachusetts residents injured each year in car accidents, a number of these people file claims for their damages. One method of resolving these claims is through arbitration. Understanding this part of the personal injury legal process is important for anyone that may be involved in possible arbitration of a car accident claim in […]

Workers compensation benefits pay injured weekly benefits while they are out of work. These benefits also pay for medical bills stemming from the industrial accident. In order for workers’ compensation medical bills to be paid, utilization review is the process that must be followed. Utilization review is followed by all workers comp insurance companies in Massachusetts. It […]

is an employer liable for an employee's car accident?

Given the high number of car accidents each year, it is no surprise many involve vehicles operated by employees on behalf of their employers. When car crashes in Massachusetts happen, are both the employee and employer liable for any personal injuries that were caused? A legal doctrine called respondeat superior makes the employer automatically liable for […]

what is a Massachusetts workers' compensation hearing?

All disputes between injured workers and workers’ compensation insurance companies are handled at the Department of Industrial Accidents. This is an administrative law court solely dedicated to workers’ compensation dispute resolution. There are a few different stages of this process. I have written before about the first and second steps of this process which are, […]