If I Was Injured in a Store, Do They Have to Give Me a Copy of the Surveillance Video?

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident at a retail store, the store does not have a legal duty to provide you with a copy of the video. The only real way to obtain the video of your fall is by suing the store for your injuries. At that time, during […]

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident at a retail store, the store does not have a legal duty to provide you with a copy of the video. The only real way to obtain the video of your fall is by suing the store for your injuries. At that time, during discovery, the store […]

I would like to wish all of my readers a Happy Thanksgiving, 2011. I hope everyone is able to step away from work and other obligations for this special day, and to gather and celebrate with family to give thanks. I am personally thankful for my family and for the upcoming birth of my first child, […]

Happy to share with everyone our brand new Spanish television commercial. A large segment of our client base speaks Spanish, so we hope you enjoy our commercial. Here it is:

I am so proud to announce that the kind folks over at LexisNexis nominated this blog as one of the top 25 tort blogs in America. Here is the link, and thank you so much LexisNexis: http://www.lexisnexis.com/community/litigationresourcecenter/blogs/litigationblog/archive/2011/10/27/nominate-your-favorite-blogs-for-top-tort-blog-honors.aspx

Susan Saladoff, Esq., director of the film “Hot Coffee” recently appeared on Stephen Colbert. Kudos to her for continuing to tirelessly fight to dispel the myths created and propagated by big business to deny access to justice for injury victims. Here is the clip: http://www.colbertnation.com/full-episodes/tue-october-25-2011-susan-saladoff

Whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant in a Massachusetts personal injury lawsuit, there is a good chance you will be deposed. The American Bar Association provides 10 tips for deponents which I feel can help you if you are facing an impending deposition. Here they are: Tell the truth. Listen to the question. Pause. […]

As a Boston work injury lawyer, I get asked this question very often. The answer is, it depends. If you fell at work in Massachusetts, you cannot sue your employer. But, you can make a claim for Massachusetts workers compensation benefits with your employer’s insurance company. A claim is not of course the same thing as […]

Many people decide to take a stab at handling their car crash accident claim without an attorney. That usually turns out to be a bad idea. Why would an insurance company be concerned about you suing their insured (the person or company that injured you and whom they insure) when you are not a lawyer? Why would […]

Never do it; it will only hurt your case. Insurance adjusters are trained to ask certain, specific questions which are intended to make the strongest personal injury claims look weak. Here is a great post regarding recorded statements, and their pitfalls from Maryland personal injury attorney Ronald Miller over at his Maryland Injury Lawyer Blog: Most insurance adjusters tell […]